cork glanza


Untrusted Seller
well back to the thread in havent seen a vtec get destroy by a glanza like that before:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


Ulster Area Rep.
ya need some coilovers for my one and few other bits

Don't get me started lol!

My wishlist is

FRP bonnet
FRP wings with wide arches
FRP bootlid
Gutted doors
Poly carb windows all round bar front windscreen
2x 16" skinny rear wheels
2x 14" lightweight front rims with huge ballon slicks to bring em back up to my current size
Miniture Battery to save weight
Full cryo setup (FMIC spray, fuel cooler block, intake cooler block)
Engine Torque Damper

Think thats about it for now lol


Untrusted Seller
man your going out the whole lot:)id need some coilovers first you car might end up too light for all that power


Ulster Area Rep.
I'll hardly do all that though, I'd like the car down around 750kgs but I think I'll start by going on a diet, I'm adding 100kgs just by sitting in it lol!