

Member +
Hey guys! For those of you who have Steam on their PC's, I was wondering if we should start up a TGTT Steam group? If theres quite a few of us who think it's a good idea, I'll go ahead and make one.

Also, feel free to put down your Steam usernames, if you want. If you want to add me to Steam friends, search for hirule89 in the friend finder thing, and I should be added under the name 'Bluebear'.


Member +
Sounds good. I forget what my Steam ID is, it's either f@tman or M0nkfish (That's a zero, not an O ;))


Member +
It's a content delivery platform from Valve, the guys who made the Half Life series, as well as other games.

As well as buying games from Valve, a load of other companies use it to release their games as well, like small independent companies and whatnot. Once the user has bought their game, they can then download it through Steam.

Valve have also made Steam so that people can use it to chat to other people who have Steam, as well as being able to chat in-game with it, etc, and to make groups.

More here:

Also, if anyone fancies getting Half Life 2 free, I think can give it them. Only got the one pass though, already had it when I got the Orange Box, which has a copy of HL2 in that as well. Steam allows you to 'give' a game to someone if you already have it. It's either the full game, or a guest pass, can't remember which.
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Member +
thanks mate, Ive been lookingat getting into online gaming on the pc so have been trying to find the best, and cheapest ;), ways


Member +
If you do end up getting Steam (It's a free download, from here: Steam), buy Team Fortress 2, its a right laugh to play. Costs $29, so about 15 quid. However, if you really want value for money, I;d recommend getting the Orange Box, which is $49 (£25), for three games (Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2, and Portal), and two mini-sequels for Half Life 2. However the only online game in that pack is Team Fortress 2.


Member +
Cheers for the advice dude, think I'll give it a try tonight, and is the online play ok still?

so team fortress is the way to go? right its decided gonna do that tonight then


Member +
After you set up your Steam account, just tell us your Steam account name, and I'll get you added to the TGTT group