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  • hey friend thanks for the welcome!!!anyway i wish it was a small project but it's going to be full rebuild including chassis,motor,interior,look...well... :) :p
    Dude what clutch u running atm? Mines givin up and i need to get one very soon... Regards and thanks

    Hi Lewis,

    Many apologies for assuming that you had not replied to my other messages and, more importantly I am very sorry for insinuating you did not bother to send me the courtesy reply.

    The trouble is, I have only just discovered that there is another messaging system using this via the quick links which I just happened across by accident! As a relatively new member who does not look at the site that often I find it all quite confusing to navigate.

    Anyway, once again apologies for the bad vibe and I'll post another message to retract what I said earlier.

    Cheers. Bob. ( Rossgorooster)
    Hi Lewis,

    You asked me if I had the 2 back windows and I replied the other day to confirm that I do...........Have you found some from someone else?
    Cheers. Bob.
    hi mate havnt been on the forum for months and now the cravin for another starlet has come back lol do you know of any1 whose selling 1?
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