Recent content by Jizzoverstarlet

  1. J

    Well, she left me...

    Whats the difference between your dick and a payslip ? You dont have to ask a girl to blow your payslip.
  2. J


    hmmm , dunno why it wont let anyone PM , i have double/triple checked settings and thy are all fine, might be interested, need to watch my money, need a new 4efte
  3. J

    Saturday night V White Glanza

    Bump . . white glanza?/??
  4. J

    Breaking td04 hybrid spec 1995 gt quadlight

    Any chance your parting with the engine?
  5. J

    Saturday night V White Glanza

    tht was well fun we had 3 people in the GT to =] kern up fo a drive laters? Would like to know what the police said to you , that was pure unlucky
  6. J

    Saturday night V White Glanza

    Anyone up in Weymouth with a White Glanza on saturday night????
  7. J


    this will defo fit my 1990 ye? guessing paypal , try PM me
  8. J


    lol =D the settings are fine ,dunno how come it wont let you , how much you looking for the ECU , dont suppose you have any starting motors also ??? Atm need ecu , starting motor and a 4efte engine for my Mk1 , so looking around =D hope to hear back from you
  9. J


    Im lookin for a Mk1 ep82 (1990) Ecu , waiting for replies to my forum topic, do you still have it dude?
  10. J

    New member

    got a quote for 4.6k annually with quinn, Tsssss , haha thats fun around 260 a month
  11. J

    New member

    The prios are in order , i have 3 mechanics on it , all been working on cars for over 15-20+ years, thy wont let me drive it till its ship shape as safe and as healthy as it can be
  12. J

    New member

    Inspiration, its just from my mind , i have also read your thread on maintaining thm ^^ chrs for all the welcomes (Y)
  13. J

    New member

  14. J

    New member

    My mechanic was talking about maybe converting to RWD, but im not sure, and round my area, theres only 3 cars with neons, So it turns heads
  15. J

    New member

    lol point