A part of me is always tempted to get one as a toy. Hopefully in a few more years, there will still be some decent examples about! I always wonder where mine is these days.... :(
It seems to be every year or so, I get bored, and end up back on here looking at some GT Turbos! :)
I was 18 when I got my GT, I'm soon to be 27 now!!! Crazy
Hahaha hey all you guys! I remember all of ya, Dan especially! Hows it going guys? What you driving these days?
I logged into my photobucket account the other day and there were 100s of pics of the GT and I thought I'd come back and say hi (again).
Haha. I'm pretty good thanks, yourself??
Definitely missed TGTT. Saw a GT driving back from work on Weds and made me want to come back. I wish I had enough money, I'd so love a GT again!!! Miss it! :(
No point getting a BMW 3 series if its not a 6 cyl really. Had an E36 328i and now an E46 328Ci. Look out for rust in the E36's for sure, and electrical problems and just be smart when viewing, check everything possible - bit of common sense really mate!