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  1. R

    Boost issues

    mine is orange
  2. R

    TD04L to TF035HM

    what turbo is this?
  3. R

    TD04L to TF035HM

    i agree with your brother, my car is a daily i enjoy very much while i was on standard ct9b i can hear the bov even just parking hahaha. after i switched to td04l its a downward spiral thoughts on selling the car and shit buying stuff that can improve still not satisfied with the day to day...
  4. R

    TD04L to TF035HM

    it takes too long to make boost i dont enjoy it it starts to spool around 2800 rpm
  5. R

    TD04L to TF035HM

    Currently have a Subaru TD04L fitted on my 4EFTE and planning to swap it with a Subaru TF035HM, will this be a direct swap? Oil Line/water line/Exhaust?
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    Piggyback or Stand Alone in 2023

    I meant no disrespect to MS users really happy to the guys who managed to have it running flawlessly on their vehicles. Reason i have that on the back of my mind is i wanted to be able to return the stock ecu. I have talked one of the insstaller here and done some research it seems like we...
  7. R

    TPS 3 Pin/4 Pin Voltage Output

    Can someone confirm the output voltage of our TPS 3 Pin/4 pin, does both go from 0-5v just like the 4AGE BT engine?
  8. R

    Piggyback or Stand Alone in 2023

    was also considering the microsquirt due to budget constraints and done some research it seems like the 4e-fte 24 tooth engine speed with 1 vr sensor and 1 tooth with 2 vr sensors on the cam is quite troublesome to set up.
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    Piggyback or Stand Alone in 2023

    Sad to say i might cross out Link, the G4+ Monsoon cost 1,498.85 USD here in my Country
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    Piggyback or Stand Alone in 2023

    Good day guys, i would just like to ask what are your inputs/opinions regarding the topic above. My Dilemma is i currently have a E-Manage Blue lying around not yet installed but it is hard for me to find a installer/tuner well i have manage to find one but considering others as well. Most of...
  11. R

    Fuel hard lines

    Hello i have 4E-FTE swap corolla with 2E engine before. My question is will the stock efi lines from 4AFE engine will be sufficient to flow 1bar of boost on td04l? I think the pipe size is 5/16 inch supply and 1/4 inch return
  12. R

    Exedy stage 1 organic clutch

    im actually referring to this one here is another link
  13. R

    Exedy stage 1 organic clutch

    Hi all just tying look for more information regarding exedy stage 1 clutches, wondering whats is their hp and torque rating is? Tuner says if my engine is healthy lty enough it might run 200ish hp on Td04l at 1 bar