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  1. Z


    Still super useful after 15 years!!!!! I wish there were names on every pic or atleast connector.....
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    EP82 Wiring/Connector ID's. There is a PDF available!

    Hello, first of all thanks you very much for all this! Does anyone know if the the latest GT model with the "new" cluster if the connectors are the same ? Same wiring combinations and colours ??? I want to install the hi/lo green light, the exhaust temperature, the open door warning light and...
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    Installing in a non - A/C 4efte ep81 swap.

    Ok i will try to find picture. Bad news, i dont have power steering, so i will need to buy a pump, right ? Does this have to be from GT or just 4efe with power steering ?
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    HI/LOW Boost wiring

    What colour are those 2 wires supposed to be? Looks like i have to add those wires in my loom because there is not there. I dont have a GT dash loom but i bought one. But in the end looks like it is not from original GT... Hi lo is missing.
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    Dash Loom - GT

    Hey guys, does anyone have for sale an original dash loom from Starlet GT? Or even the dash with the loom in it,,,,,
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    HI/LOW Boost wiring

    Hey, did you figure out the colours of the hi lo cables? It says its this bit i cant find it. The only one i have which is next to Δ button (alaram button) is one with black and green cables and its exactly the same with one, 4 pins and on 2 cables....
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    5 door starlet body kit install

    Double Posting** They told me they did modified them. They got the whole side body kits from a 3door GT and modified them to fit the 5door. The 3door has bigger doors, so they cut it to feet the front doors and the remain they make it one with the small part for the back doors. Sorry for for...
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    Installing in a non - A/C 4efte ep81 swap.

    Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I dont have any poctures at the moment. Yeah i have hearded the same thing. Some people toldme to get compressor from ep91 and mount from the GT and will fit like a charm.
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    Installing in a non - A/C 4efte ep81 swap.

    Sorry for double posting, if anyone knows please tell me if a full set a/c from a 2E starlet will work on 4efte? I found from a crashed one, 80euros for whole set.
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    Rebuilding your Mk1 GT Glow Badge. A guide.

    Im going to do the GT look like the first picture. All im warried about is to leave the right distance between the holes. And thats it ??? Pins will go in and "lock" ? Will not need any glue or something ? Thanks guys.
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    Installing in a non - A/C 4efte ep81 swap.

    Hey guys, thanks for your answers. So??? Which one will fit to 4efte? The one from EP82 or EP91 ? I found a pretty good full set from an EP91 4efe, compressor says r134a on it. Also, Ive been told that the one from ep91 4efe will work with n problems. Wiring will be included within the set...
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    5 door starlet body kit install

    Anyone has any idea where they find those door dumpers like the GT ? But for 5doors....
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    Rebuilding your Mk1 GT Glow Badge. A guide.

    Sorry for posting on old topic. Can i ask you something guys, i got a read garnish and want to install it on mine. Whats the best way to do it? Do lil holes and plug it in ? Glow ? How is it connected to your cars guys?
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    Installing in a non - A/C 4efte ep81 swap.

    Hello guys, i have recently did a 4efte on my old 2EE ep81 1995 starlet. I want to install A/C on it but i really have no clue about this. Will i need a full ac kit from a GT? Some guy (2 to be exact) told me that they used one from ep91 4EFE and thats because its compressor is r134 and its the...
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    HI/LOW Boost wiring

    If you find the enflish version id like to have a look too because im about to connect hi lo boost too! By the waym do you remember what are the 2 cables' colours? Black and green ?
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    Starlet EP81 2E-E to 4E-FTE! #Updates2024

    Jay, can you post the same link put for ep82 GT?? I couldnt find it.... Ah...
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    Starlet EP81 2E-E to 4E-FTE! #Updates2024

    Hello Jay, If the routing is the same then we are good to go. I spoke with the mechanic and told me he can make mounts, thats not a problem to him. I got a dash loom from an old crashed GT and we are trying to make the speedometer work. We just took the pins and trying to connect with the...
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    Starlet EP81 2E-E to 4E-FTE! #Updates2024

    Engines swapped. Everything works wonders for now! We used the stock transmission and its just fine! Its shorter than the GT though. Does GT have the same exhaust as Glanza ?? I know the back end is with 2 pipes on ep82 but is the route the same ?? I have bought the stock downpipe/catalyst...
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    Starlet EP81 2E-E to 4E-FTE! #Updates2024

    Hey, the dash loom is different from the engine bay right ? So i need a second loom ? Dash'r loom from the donor car. Is that right ? If i dont have the dash loom then what happens??? No lights, not signals etc ??? WTF. I thought they whould just plug in like it was before with the old engine...
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    Starlet EP81 2E-E to 4E-FTE! #Updates2024

    Hello Jay, how are you? Are you talking about the speedmeter installation or the hi lo. If its the hi lo then its ok, not planning to install it yet. If its for the speedmeter counter, the. What exactly do i need to make it work? My instinct tells me you are talking about this. I ordered the...