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  1. H_D

    Heater issue

    I have kinda left it parked up for now. Will try flushing the matrix and replacing the water pump too
  2. H_D

    Jap show 2008 or 2009

    I was going through some old photos. Came across some pics I took at jap show santa pod. Can't remember if it was 2008 or 2009. Anyways I didn't own a JDM starlet until 2010 but always knew I wanted one . Here's some starlet pics I took on the day.
  3. H_D

    Heater issue

    My heater is not as warm as it used to be. I have bled the system multiple times, flushed out the matrix and put in a new thermostat and changed the control unit. The car warms up fine on the temp gauge but the Heater is barely getting warm air. Any suggestions as I'm basically out of ideas now
  4. H_D

    TD04L to TF035HM

    yes its a straight swap
  5. H_D

    Parts wanted

    just had a look, i dont have the brake lines. sorry mate
  6. H_D

    Parts wanted

    im pretty sure i have the rear brake hoses available, will check my hoard this weekend
  7. H_D

    Aftermarket LSD Guru's

    looks like a TRD diff to me
  8. H_D

    CT9 Hybrid Recommendations In 2024

    1 bar on a td04 mines was running 11-10.5
  9. H_D

    CT9 Hybrid Recommendations In 2024

    blitz access is good for a hybrid, i ran a TD04 at 1bar on a blitz access, they do run a little rich
  10. H_D

    CT9 Hybrid Recommendations In 2024

    me and my friends always use midland turbo too.
  11. H_D

    interior lights not working

    thanks Jay. I will check that out
  12. H_D

    interior lights not working

    FFS i hope its not. i Just replaced it a few months ago as my old one stopped working completely
  13. H_D

    interior lights not working

    when i switch the headlights on, my heater control lights are not coming on. is there a fuse for this or will it be a dodgy control unit?
  14. H_D

    Extended wheel studs

    Thanks. Order placed with fensport
  15. H_D

    Extended wheel studs

    As above. I need some extended wheel studs for my glanza. My k sport brakes need spacers to clear my wheels therfore i need extended studs for my wheel nuts. Where can I get some from???
  16. H_D

    My current car and previous two cars

    forgot to mention I also daily a nissan juke nismo RS. is that up to your standards? :p
  17. H_D

    My current car and previous two cars

    Honda are not shite :p. just finished building an EG with a k-swap, its currently getting mapped as we speak. Will be looking at 650-700bhp until the gearbox goes bang. already started collecting parts to make it 4wd which should be completed by next spring/summer.
  18. H_D

    Cam cover gaskets keep leaking :(

    i use sealant in the rocker cover groove where the gasket sits and on the face of the gasket that mates to the head when installing these. I have also come across a warped rocker cover in the past that kept leaking
  19. H_D

    New upgrade

  20. H_D

    Crank Price

    £200 - £250