Im building a 4efte engine that im hoping to take down to high 9s- low 10's.
I really want to get a quafe straight cut dogbox that I saw online (https://www.tuningdevelopments.uk/product/quaife-6speed-sequential-gearkit-c52-toyota-starlet-glanza-turbo/) and a fuel tech ecu.
Can anyone...
Hi guys. Was wondering if anyone could give me a bit of advise.
Im in the process of rebuilding my engine with Forged internals and came across a very reasonably priced set of Wossner pistons on this site:
However it...
Hi guys.
i have a GT running a fully forged 5EFHE engine. standard ignition, GT28R bb turbo on WEPR godzilla manifold. It made only 203HP at 1bar boost on octane 95.
Here in SriLanka i guess that it's actually equivalent to octane 90.
Thereafter i fitted the 265/265 8.7mm lift speedvision...
Before i start - i have put this on here mainly for opinions as i am at a loss to what this car as it is is actually worth, it has problems but i feel i have priced accordingly. The last build cost me 3k alone so if i can recoup somewhere near that i would be happy if not is it worth breaking...
Ok so pretty soon im
Gunna start putting some money away for my forged engine. Im looking for about 230 - 300bhp mark. Whats the best place and the cheapest to get this done ? Or anyone got any numbers for decent jap mechanics ? And the best turbo setup for 300bhp ? I kinda want like a big...
Hi ppl.
i need a set of 5E forged rods and pistons. pistons could be either 4E or 5E.
need them shipped to Sri Lanka. please let me know. Thanks alot :)
also on the lookout for a GT instrument cluster and stage 1 clutch kit.
im currently running 1.2bar on a 5e engine with 4efte pistons...
ive got a forged bottom end and i put a standard head on new headgasket an all that (1.4mm) . i put the engine in put all the plugs on vacuum pipes etc and put new 550cc sard injectors in bare in mind its just on a standard ecu atm , and started her struggled as i left a earth off lol but...
Does anybody know a way of calculating what thickness headgasket is required for a specific compression ratio?
It will vary depending on how much the head & block have been skimmed by as well as the bore size.
Also, does anybody know what would be a sensible compression ratio for a forged...
howya lads
just a question regarding rebuild of an engine but the problem is i cant remember the name of the crowd who i was told would do it !!
i was told they are up the north and do a forged rebuild for around £1800
and they were posted up on the site a while ago but cant find the...