Heater issue


Member +
My heater is not as warm as it used to be. I have bled the system multiple times, flushed out the matrix and put in a new thermostat and changed the control unit. The car warms up fine on the temp gauge but the Heater is barely getting warm air. Any suggestions as I'm basically out of ideas now


If you can get your hand onto the heater matrix core, check it's actually hot like the radiator would be. If there's cold spots it could be heavily clogged up with crap.

If it is hot, then check the temp flap on the heater box is actually moving (you can usually hear it tbh).


Member +
I have a similar/same issue that has been niggling me for the past few years.
So far I have flushed the matrix both ways and fitted a recored unit. I have managed to find another oem matrix which I took to a different place this time to recore ( wasn’t convinced that the first company did a good job), so will be fitting that next to see if that solves the issue . Keep us posted with how you get on @H_D
by any chance could the water pump attaching pipe and/or hoses become clogged up over time?...basically the system flowing water to/from the heater matrix


Member +
I have kinda left it parked up for now. Will try flushing the matrix and replacing the water pump too


I have kinda left it parked up for now. Will try flushing the matrix and replacing the water pump too
You could add 1 of those coolant flushes too see if that clears any shite out, odds are there is some somewhere
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