yes. i asked diyautotune to suply me witha an MS-2 with the zeal dautherboard and then all you have to do is wire it.. and load software plus map
thanks much much does it cost? for the ms2+zeal? is it premapped? or autotuned?
send them an email to give you a quote.. its not premapped and you need to map it.
so when installing this, we dont need ecu? just plug it right in? does it have the base map?
no base map. but i think Fatman is going to provide us with a basemap to start the car! then you need to map it according to your setup/needs
Well basically all I want to know is what will I need to run my DIS system. It has 2 coil packs by the way.
ProgressingCar will hopefully be complete and on its wheels later this week. Got hung up on a stubborn driveshaft seizing in one of my hubs, took a 3 ton press to get it out
Once it's up and running it will be final mods on the megasquirt and then road tune time and I can make sure all my wiring and other documentation is accurate. Later in the month it's booked in for a few hours on the dyno with a very knowledgeable tuner to extract the most out of the timing curve (something I'm not yet expert enough to do) and will have a power figure too![]()
great.. good luck! sent you a PM with a part number for the auto TPS so maybe you can add it to the documentation, did you receive it?
also i was told auto TPS will not fit the manual TB.. and the Toyota EPC has the same part numbers for the auto and manual TB.. do you know anything about this? i have two auto TPS coming over and can check if it fits a manual TB but just wanted to know if you knew about this and found a way around?
this can be run with the megasquirt as well but the setup is different.
the coilpack system runs from a 36-2 sensor wheel on the crank as the 4efte runs with a 24+2 sensor wheel in the distributor...