Will be using this thread now to post pictures of stuff I've came across while out picking up people's stupidly
A very deadened Van
This went up a bank and came down on its side and slid along. The truck on its own couldn't flip it over as it was full of Solar Panel. We brought in another truck with a specialised lift and put a strap underneath onto the rear axl then both trucks together pulled and lifted it upright again
That was 1st thing Monday morning and the 1st accident I've been too, it was really interesting to see just how it should be done, I've soooo much to learn.
My Trainer said earlier he would be happy enough to sign me off to go and do lift and shifts and he thinks my Driving is 100%
It's my communication skills I need to work on for dealing with customers and the general fucktards that are the Public
Need more training on the technology side of things for the job app on the mobile
Fucking hate technology, it's almost as bad a ABS brakes