About time I got stuck into this one, it's hard to put this all down in a logical format but time to give it a go..
Our story begins in 1991 with the launch of the Mk1 EP82 fully underway. Toyota were looking to expand the range to enhance sales. To fall in line with many other model ranges it was time to introduce an all wheel drive EP to tackle more challenging conditions.

The basic entry model was the 4WD Soleil L which like all the 4WD models had a two wheel drive equivalent in EP82 range.
The next level up the ladder was the 3 door 4WD S which (going on the pictures and a rather poor understanding of japanese) offered smarter interior trim, a different steering wheel, and a boot spoiler amongst other additions.
The 4WD X Limited was a 5 door model which was marginally dearer than the 4WD S model and suffered slightly less sporty trim and steering wheel than it's 3 door brother.
Confused? I hope not. Here's a page from the 1992 model range brochure showing them in their glory:

Examples of the 4WD S would be:
Wee John's (Modelling by RyanV)

And Ted's

Gaz can confirm if his is a 4WD Soleil L or a S on this thread, I'd like all the AWD boys' input so as we get it right.
Our story begins in 1991 with the launch of the Mk1 EP82 fully underway. Toyota were looking to expand the range to enhance sales. To fall in line with many other model ranges it was time to introduce an all wheel drive EP to tackle more challenging conditions.

The basic entry model was the 4WD Soleil L which like all the 4WD models had a two wheel drive equivalent in EP82 range.
The next level up the ladder was the 3 door 4WD S which (going on the pictures and a rather poor understanding of japanese) offered smarter interior trim, a different steering wheel, and a boot spoiler amongst other additions.
The 4WD X Limited was a 5 door model which was marginally dearer than the 4WD S model and suffered slightly less sporty trim and steering wheel than it's 3 door brother.
Confused? I hope not. Here's a page from the 1992 model range brochure showing them in their glory:

Examples of the 4WD S would be:
Wee John's (Modelling by RyanV)

And Ted's

Gaz can confirm if his is a 4WD Soleil L or a S on this thread, I'd like all the AWD boys' input so as we get it right.
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