any deadlifters on here?

hi all

ive been deadlift seriously for about a year now and i seem to have hit a plateau that i cant get past anybody got any tips to get past this? its annoying the shit out of me.

yeah ive deloaded a few time jas and when i get back too 230 i cant lift above it. ive tryed using bands and chains but nothings working


Member +
you just got to keep going bud will go..thats a whorra weight yer lifting ony y on the 'juice'?lol
when i go tae take the old block out and put in my forged one i'll gie ye a shout i won't need a engine crane;)
nah nae on the juice lol, thats for cheaters. ive been suck at this weight for 3 months. ive been going to the gym since i was 16 and over the past 2 years ive been training for novice strongman events


Member +
Partials helped me mate, i got stuck on the same weight, i raised the bars on the rack to just below the knee, then gradually id lower them every week or two until the plates were on the floor. Altho i trained at a spit and saw dust sort of gym where noise wasnt fround on, i wouldn't reconmend this at a banatynes lol. I also did 5x5 and pyramids when i was training for local strong man. Tore my delt at 305kg and not lifted since. Lame lol. Look at mad cow training too, that was brilliant but shot my immune system to bits
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yeah ive tryed 5x5 and mad cows mate, ive been doing rack lifts today to try strengthing my lower back. how much do you weigh and what height are you mate? im doing good in my yoke,bench, and my squat is awesome.


Member +
Im 5ft 9 mate and at the time was 17stone with around 15% bf. You training for a comp bud? I found an occasional week off doing my weaker lifts actually helped me too. What are you weighing in at mate and how do you split your training?
6foot 1 and 17 stone too at about 15% bf too, i want to put on more weight but am a hardgainer 5000 cal+ of clean food to put on about 2 pound a week at the moment.Sandbag carrys, farmers walks, log lifts, barrell pressing/ throwing, tractor tyre flips, sled dragging, car pushing on thurs,fri and saturday in the pm, and mon chest/bicep, tues legs, wed back, thurs shoulders/tricep, fri full body (just the componds). i do this for a month then take a week off. yeah ive pulled out of the last two events as my deadlift is crap. i am thinking its my technique so am going to get someone to film me.


Member +
What is it thats holding back your dead, the lift or locking out? That weeks break down is pretty intense buddy, id almost say over training there tbh pal. My split was:

Monday - Delts
Tuesday - Back
Wed - Chest & tris
Thurs - Biceps
Friday - Legs

I appreciate that every ones different, but id try moving legs to after deadlift day, see what happens.

Yea thats alot of food mate and no easy task to put that much away. How old are you, if you dont mind me asking mate? You on any supplements?
its the actual lift mate, i can lift 300kg of a rack from about about knee high for reps. yeah you are probibly right legs and back are to close togethor but ive only just started doing that split. i am 23 mate. supplements: at the moment none bar protien shakes as am cycling of them for 2 weeks, but usely switch between jackd3d and 1.M.R, creatine and glutimine.