Anyone read posts and are like.........


Member +
WTF??? I'm no snob and I'm by far the most articulate fella in the world but some posts I read on here take me a good few reads to decode! they're all "dem an den dey did dis an we wos lik fuk" Ok bad example (I don't speak chav or whatever innit) but I hope others know what I mean? Seriously, i struggle with some posts.


I simply read the replys of those who took the time to decode, then I get the gist of what was being said...some of the times anyway.


Member +


Member +
i must admit i sometimes use short handed words but not to the point where its "text speak"


Member +
Youth of today people!!

My little 'un...she's 3, she has one of my old mobile phones, so I see her 1 day sat on the step playing with this phone - What you doing Ellie? - Her reply was 'texting dad' - She is 3 :(


Member +
I can understand it due to being young and from the texting era :p

Still sometimes I do struggle with some words...even when im texting I do make a bit of effort ;)


Member +
Predictive text ftw!!

I have seen my younger sister on MSN before, I thought I used silly words like FTW...but jesus that was an eye opener!


Member +

If it's a post that isn't typed in understandable English,then I just don't bother reading it.The same goes for U2U mesaages.If on the other hand it's someone from another country who's first language is not English then i'll do my best to read it.In ten years time no one will type in proper English.


Member +
Makes me wonder about those voice recognition programs that are available at PC World and what not, for the younger generation would the program work with e-mails - Mainly the text talk and slang words, paints an amusing picture....

Couldn't agree more with you through Trevor on people where English isn't their first language. I can't speak England myself. :p
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same here, posts with den der dan den in them instead of proper words just makes the poster sound a bit thick in my eyes (they may not be, but that's how it looks.)

i sometimes use shorthand, but not often (one of the perks of working with computers since school means i can type like a mofo.


Member +
Yeah its understandable if English isn't the persons first language. One of the Irish lads posted a few weeks ago and it took me a good few reads before I realised he was typing with an accent! Honestly it was all spelt as it would sound coming from an Irish fella.


Member +
i dont really use correct grammer but i always try and make sure my spelling is correct. I actually dont get it, its take me longer to type in "txt" speak than it does to actually type the word correctly.

Anyone who us words such as dem,dis,da,de ova really does sound incredably think. Im sorry to offend but if you met someone who spoke like this in normal conversation ( i have by the way, just go to bolton, there everywhere) you would just automatically dismiss them for being a nobhead. I would anyway.


Member +
lol. i thought it was only me. yeah some of em posts need serious decoding. makes it real hard to read smooth.