Canon S5 IS Digi Camera


Super Moderator
Has anyone used or got one of these?

I need a new camera for work which involves me taking quite a few close up high detailed photos and the odd video clip to support Warranty claims for these oh so lovely Honda's that leave the factory... shall we say not quite to the standard we would expect. :flame:

Im currently using a similar but earlier 5mp version of this camera, cant quite remember the model.. 650 or summat like that with a 4x zoom, its a one of the PhowerShot series anyway. But im getting a very poor success rate with photos being out of focus or blurd in some way. The main reason I use the PowerShot is because of the tilt and twist view screen, makes taking photos in difficult places e.g. up under dash alot easier than having a fixed screen.

The S5 IS seems to have good reviews, the main down fall appears to be a slight center blurring of photos when taken at full 12x zoom, which I dont think is really going to be an issue.

Or can anyone recommend a suitable camera around the £300 mark?


Member +
Yeah its an awesome camera mate. I have one. Was going to sell it and get an SLR camera but its quite enough for me. Most of the latest pics on my site have been taken using that camera. If you want to have a look at them check out my website


Member +
Yeah, we use a couple in the newsroom. Pretty good. I like the moveable screen.

Are you using the macro mode for close ups, or just the standard point-and-click?
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