charging problem??


Untrusted Seller
your battery or the terminals on the battery posts are not tight. It could also be the battery itself that's dying.if your driving does it go off
with the car off get a voltage meter and test the battery should be form 12 to 12.5 volts, then to test for faulty alternator do the same again with car turn on should be between 13 to 14.6 volts


Leinster Area Rep.
Had this problem with clarkytrd's glanza a while back. Check the fuses under the bonnet. Think it was a 5Amp that had blown and left light on constant.

the light stayes on when on idle when u drive the car it comes on and off the heater goes up and down when the light goes off like a strong blow when light is off and week when lights are off same as coolant fan cant seem to find the problem changed the battery and altonator...


Leinster Area Rep.
Check the earths maybe?? Sounds strange but have seen bad earth connections cause similar faults.


Leinster Area Rep.
all the earths are on its strange i no cant figure it on idle the lights are on but when u drive the car the lights cum on and off dont understand..any idea wat else something arking?changed all the leads 2...:confused::confused:

Is there any sign of corosion on the earths? Recommend unbolting each one and cleaning down the connector and the surface on the body with some light sandpaper.


Member +
hi mate 1st check if your alternator is charging your battery can be check using a volt meter should be above 13V to 14.5V not exceeding 14.5V if so its over charging. If its charging well then charge your battery make sure its fully charged.

il try all them again no erossian on battery poles new btry and altonator..the thing i cant figure out is y when u drive the car the lights come on and off:confused:
il try all them again no erossian on battery poles new btry and altonator..the thing i cant figure out is y when u drive the car the lights come on and off:confused:

that would sugest to me a loose connection or a possible break a wire.. as its jiggling about its gaining and loosing connection.. or shorting on something due to movement whilst moving


Member +
that would sugest to me a loose connection or a possible break a wire.. as its jiggling about its gaining and loosing connection.. or shorting on something due to movement whilst moving

yes you are right it might be the battery terminal not tighten properly or the bolts on alternator or the ground please check all wires from battery cable to the alternator and ground also.

hi mate 1st check if your alternator is charging your battery can be check using a volt meter should be above 13V to 14.5V not exceeding 14.5V if so its over charging. If its charging well then charge your battery make sure its fully charged.

if yoy got a dogey battery would them lights come on??
hi mate 1st check if your alternator is charging your battery can be check using a volt meter should be above 13V to 14.5V not exceeding 14.5V if so its over charging. If its charging well then charge your battery make sure its fully charged.

are my posts invisible:confused: