Contact Number for nutta

Guess thats a tricky one really, as if it's bad, yeah people should still know. But like you said it was on a different site.

I probably would anyway, sure I did that with Michelle when she sold me that "good condition" broken glo panel. Silly bint.


Super Moderator
Have received a reply from nutta, he's been away for a few weeks but is now back and will try to sort this out as soon as possible.


Member +
Is anyone getting anything? I'm just getting screened calls and no reply whatsoever from the guy. Really struggling finding an end to the situation..
Update on the latest, im still waiting on the gearbox..Dan Evans aka nutta assured me it was in ireland i would have it in a few days that was early last week, and guess what it never came. I wasnt surprised really. I asked him for a tracking number for it and he sayed he would have to get back to me and im still waiting and also he wont answer his phone tryed ringin over the last 3 days..
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Member +
Same story here - I've been waiting for a tracking number since December, and the money, again, since March. Just called him at work and he was "on a call". I'm about ready to file a Small Claims Case on him as it really isn't acceptable.