Get Your Discounts on TOP Brands at details here!


Did you know that you are entitled to great discounts on TOP Brand products at

We offer discounts on all the products that we stock from the following TOP Brands. Delivered to your door!

Oils and Fluids for Cars, Bikes and more....
Amsoil, Castrol, Fuchs, Gulf Competition, Millers, Mobil, Motul, Redline and Silkolene

Filters for Cars, Bikes and more....
K&N, Mahle and UFI

Spark Plugs/Glow Plugs for Cars, Bikes and more....
Denso and NGK

Cleaning, Detailing and Polishing Products
Bilt Hamber Clays, Dodo Juice, Meguiars and Muc-Off

We also sell Trico wiper blades and Oil Safe workshop products.

To obtain your discounts, register via the link below selecting your Club or the Opie Oils Loyalty Club when prompted and all of your orders will be automatically discounted in future.

Registration is free so why not start saving today.....take a look at what we have to offer whilst you're there.

Don't forget to add yourself to our mailing list, when registering for advice of any additional offers that we are running to save you even more money.

Thanks for reading.

The Team.