
Bought another gt a few days ago,basically standard

hks filter
hks acuatator
blitz nur spec exh

Now i was getting fuel cut so i turn the boost down,which stoped it.

But when in 5th on the motorway it will spike to .8 and fuel cut will happen

any ideas how to get rid of this, Fuel cut defender i was thinking ?

What are you thoughts on this

Another question i have is that this GT doesnt pull hard until 5k onwards,up until then its quite plan,but then all of a sudden it pulls so hard its crazy

What are you thoughts on this aswell



slight boost creep prob mate maybe actuator diagphram is worn wouldnt get a fcd though unless you plan to fit a rrpfp as fuel cut is there for a reason. you could port the wastegate out that would prob help :freddy:
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i may just keep it as it is then,i dont plan on keeping it that long really

i need to get my other gt back on the road haha