Removing water pump


Fresh Recruit
Hi guys. I need to get my water pump off Basically. What needs to come off to get it out? Im having trouble with the engine mount. U have the bolt that goes horizontal through the rubber bush and then u have the bolts that bolt down vertically. Is that all the bolts or is there a hidden one somewhere that holds the mount to the engine as it will not break away from the engine. Im guessing its just sorta seized on by grime etc.

Secondly. Is it possible to remove the pump without taking the mount off?

The whole reason for doing this is because of the noise i have in the link below. Excuse the constant removal of the oil cap. I was paranoid that it was the cams.


Member +
cock of a job, lol

there is a nut under neath. need a long extension and go under the drivers wheel. think its a 12mm, or 14mm.
nah, the backet needs to come off for gettn the bolts out