The Big One** TGTT International Meet 2009 - interested?


Well I discussed this with the staff a few months ago and got a positive response and after todays meet I thought it might be worth running by everyone.

Would anyone be interested in a TGTT meet which included a park up on private land with BBQ followed by a transfer by bus to a local bar/nightclub and a night in a hotel.

Transfer back to cars next day to collect your pride and joy.

Ideally this would be run in the summer and if there is enough interest we would need to get organising fairly soon. It would be great to get some guys over from the UK and further afield.

Please give your feedback below.


Malta Area Rep.
if its int the summer id be interested to come over there for this :) depands if there will be loads of cars that is! hehe


well thats it Shel... Id only be interested in organising it if it was going to be a serious turn out. Todays meet saw a huge turn out for the amount of notice ... I know we could get a large number of members to attend with a good bit of notice.


Member +
Im not so sure on the whole ferry thing to be honest.

Id prefer a track meetin though lol! More my thing :)
