Thinking of selling up…


Super Moderator <a href="http://www.toyotagtturbo.
lol yeh i know you !

remember being shocked at how well you spoke english i was expecting a big communication barrior ! hehe

lol.. true true :D , turns out english is our 2nd tongue here :D meh.. accents are a bit hard to get used to though.. sometimes when i get calls from up north, or a london accent it takes me a while to understand (no kelly their not all girls lmao.. guys phone to ya know asking about this or that lol :p)

but by far the harderest accent was this irish guy that called, it took me about 2 mins to understand he was actually talking in english lol.. meh :homer: i gots to watch more uk~ire based films lol :D

roll on lockstock :cool:


Super Moderator <a href="http://www.toyotagtturbo.
hit me with a list when u have some time.. just keep talk of uploading off the forums.. its illegal to talk about it due to copyright :)

thanks man!


Its because of the chavvy image isent it.. lol

LMAO How did you guess lol

Thanks for eveyones support I must admit I am still not 100% sure what to do so I am going to put the car to one side for a while (after this weekend as new disk's and pads are going on lol)

Then hopefuly I will be back in the mood for MODing again in the new year :D