Tullow on 10th of april


Untrusted Seller
Get up to Straightliners!!! Proper racing on a FLAT track with times that are correct and more than two makes of car racing!

Straightliners are the same crew that run Ten of the Best, very very professional setup. Why go to Tullow thats on every 14 days and miss out on a real opportunity to race at a pro setup?

Might head up on the push bike and give it a go lol mondello is on too what a weekend lol


Member +
Get up to Straightliners!!! Proper racing on a FLAT track with times that are correct and more than two makes of car racing!

Straightliners are the same crew that run Ten of the Best, very very professional setup. Why go to Tullow thats on every 14 days and miss out on a real opportunity to race at a pro setup?
i agree i was there first time drag racing very professional but very expensive day out though so tullow on easter sunday for me as its alot closer:)