Walkthrough: How to fit AB88 FMIC with Zisco Manifold - CT9


Member +
Hey all, I've decided to put up this write up, as I went through this dillema, I know there are a few of you out there that may be up against this as well. With this setup, I deleted over 2 feet of charge piping, while retaining a clean look, and avoiding that bologna "over the manifold" pipe.

All in all, the only extra materials you'll need are:
- 1 90* steel pipe bend
- 1 90* silicone hose bend.

No extra clamps or anything, as these are provided in the AB88 kit itself.

Depending on the length's of bends you use, some trimming will be required. My Vibrant 90* couple required about 2" taken off, and about the same on the Vibrant steel 90*.

Here is a pic of the final result:

Use the pipe from the AB88 kit with the bracket on it, and remove the bracket. I used pliers and metal fatigue, and insert it vertically in front of the P/S pump. No, this is not where it's supposed to be, but it works and fits like a dream. Connect at the intercooler as usual, the angle is almost spot on. Here is a pic of it's routing:

Hook up the cold side as usual, this was actually the trickiest bit for me.:p

Soon, your car will look like this:

And you will have effectively deleted all this poo:

Happy boosting homies!

From your friend in Canada.



Malta Area Rep.
that looks better then the AB88 one!! trim the bolts on the clamps and fit the fmic str8! that will look better :)


Member +
Wouldnt have been easier to clock the turbo? Then you could have avoided the 'U' turn by the rocker cover.
Is it me or just the picture?FMIC seems tilted to the right?
Keep up the hard work mate.
Bon courage.


Member +
I would try and turn those clamps around at the bottom visable in the front view photo, they could catch and hook shit " speed ramps / carrier bags etc),
looks good though mate:)