Would you like to hear my Tercel?


Member +
Hi, here is a link to a sound I recorded myself of me passing by with my Tercel. This was done in May 2007. I used professional recording equipment! It was on a nice Sunday morning, on my father's place, in a small country village, around 9h00-10h00 am. The neighbors must have loved me! Anyway, I don't live there anymore...

If you listen carefully, you can hear the echo on the big church and the school, in the center of the village.

Here is the link:

Context picture!:



Member +
lol hutch, birds sound great :)

I was so sorry to disturb them in their nice sung melody! If you want to hear more birds that I recorded, just click on this link!:
Birds of May 2007

Cool man, it sounds just like every other 4efte engine I've heard.

I am happy to see that everything seems to sound normal. I haven't had the chance to hear any Glanza V yet!

Is it me or do the Tercels look abit Escortish from the side? (not trying to upset anyone btw. )

I will not get upset even though I don't like these cars... But Escorts don't even look close to a Tercel, in my country... Here is what a 1997 US-Canadian Ford Escort looks like:



Member +
no picture is showing up for me? But if it's what I think, then yeah, it looks different! Type up Mk. 6 Ford Escort, and you'll know what they're saying ours looks like! This is the American Escort (if the picture isn't showing up for anyone else either):


Mmmmm, sexy like Genital Warts


Member +
Yes Riko has it! This is the ZX2 model (sport model). I agree that it isn't the nicest car on Earth.

Here is a side view:


I think this one is the model that HutchGlanzaV was referring to:


Is this the european 1997 Ford Escort?


Member +
I agree that the body line (viewed form the side) is similar to the european Ford Escort.

I also think that the Tercel (in it's stock form), is a subjective copy of the BMW 3 series. Just look at the tail lamps, the corner lamps, the line on the body that passes from the corner lamps to the tail lamps that meets the door handle... It's almost the same! The corner lamp and the tail lamps almost look like a horizontal reflexion of the BMW's! And when you add a body kit that is called: M-Type... no wonder, it looks like a beamer!


Here is a picture that was taken on the summer of 2005. Similar isn't it?