You know its been a good night when...


Just woken up, I was asleep on the stairs, in my kitchen, and I've got up, there is 6 empty crates of beer, 5 (empty) litre bottles of vodka, and 25 people asleep in my living room, with the stereo still pumping.

And I have no idea how they, the beer etc ;) got here, and what we were doing, but all I know is my head fucking hurts big style, and lots of involuntary twitching...
I'm not sure I want to know what happened but my house is a fucking mess!

What's your most random moment when you have woke up from the morning after?


Member +
Few years ago i woke up in someone's back garden at 6am wet an cold as it was raining, i walked home an my missis went mental as i went missing in the nite..
I commented that my feet were really cold to which she said "where's ya fooking shoe's to??? i walked back up later to find them still in the garden...

After some sleep an a shower i found out that i had gone a little crazy in the nite, i went streeking down the road an had 1 riot van, 3police car's out trying to sort me out..

I quit drinking for 2years after that to sort my head out, bad times but all worth it in a strange sort of way...


Member +
haha nice one! have a friend last year was brought home after the disco by a few lads he was having the craic with. went to the house and loads in it going mad and that anyway he fell asleep in the closet and was woken up to a angry landlord haha turns out the fellas he went back with it was there last night as they were being evicted. they all were gone first thing and never got a chance to tell him as he fell asleep in the closet and they didnt know were he was haha. but they wrecked the place so they did he said rads in all were off the walls must have been a fight with the landlord the day before or something. haha i had to go collect him screaming on the phone saying the landlord was after taking into him with a couple of slaps and he was running through some fields. took me about a hour to find him. i was all serious are you ok when i found him but laughed so hard at him when he told me what happened i couldnt hold it in

not a nice thing to wake up to hahahaha


Member +
was away for a weekend with herself and a few friends and the first night we got destroyed drunk.. she said i got up in the middle of the nite and went towards the wardrobe, opened the door and took the lad out and started to piss into it.. she gave out to me and i snapped out of it and in my drunken state i got thick and said im sleeping on the couch.. things blanked out after that again and awoke to gards knocking on my car window.. cant remember goin to the car and was only in my boxers but the reason why the gard was there is because i was sleeping in the neighbours car...oops!! as i was getting out of the car myself and the gard looked up hearing a strange noise and there was my mate getting sick out the top window in the house... needless to say weir not aloud back in that estate
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Sounds like a pretty damn fine party amigo.

Once I hit a certain stage of drunk my autopilot kicks in and I normally make it back to base without too much madness. That being said I've had a few lapses over the years. Details are sketchy though, musta been drunk..


Member +
...after some heavy drinking in Edinburgh I woke on a park bench in Princess Street about 4 in the morning, no idea how I got there. Better still my Bro who I was out drinking with woke underneath his car lol. Too many crazy nites, pissed in the old flat cupboard a few times, no idea what was going on. I'm sure brain cells have been lost somewhere....
Years back when i used to stay with my mum n dad, i would always wake up in the morning in the bathroom lol. Was a weekly thing aswell.
Or running about the halls of Aberdeen uni armed with 2 bottles of shampoo and not much else :p


Member +
about a year ago now, but here goes.

was having a party at a friends flat, lots of booze, birds i got fucking smashed was being sick at 6 o'clock in the morning the nieghboors were round shouting threating us to leave, cant remeber much else beacues i went into autopilot and apparently i started a fight with a bush, hitting it and calling it names. i evently passed out in the lounge upstairs. i woke up at around 9am in the downstairs bathroom wearing someone elses clothes and wrapped in bubble wrap. strange night, i have never touched alcohole since.


Some of those made me laugh big style.

It happened again last night, woke up fully dressed on my bedroom floor, which is odd as I at least made it to the bedroom!

We had a house party at my mates last year, and we found a box of fire works, so we were setting them off, then someone had the idea of setting them off INSIDE the green house. So we did! Uit was wrecked, but the odd thing is I then woke up in said greenhouse at 10am, covered in glass...

Who knows!


Member +
Some of those made me laugh big style.

It happened again last night, woke up fully dressed on my bedroom floor, which is odd as I at least made it to the bedroom!

We had a house party at my mates last year, and we found a box of fire works, so we were setting them off, then someone had the idea of setting them off INSIDE the green house. So we did! Uit was wrecked, but the odd thing is I then woke up in said greenhouse at 10am, covered in glass...

Who knows!

Hahahah, man that is funny. Made me lol :)


I have hundreds of stuff like that, it is a weekly occurrence around here. When we party, we really do go for it!


Member +
Had a few... woke up a few years back with cuts all on my face but no where else... turns out ide be staggering home up a hill with my hands in my pockets, lost balance and gone over a garden wall and faceplanted their drive and some how fell asleep

Earlier this year I was at a friends party and he got paraletic and passed out so we saw this as a prime oppurtunity to get some pay back for the hundreds of pranks hed pulled on us. So we got to it with the permanant markers but that just wasnt far enough. It wasnt long until we found his mrs's 'veet' cream and started spraying it on his arms, legs and every other area of hair which was visible. We sat down on the sofa, admiring our handy work with the intentions of cleaning it off in the 15minutes it said on the bottle....... we subsequently fell asleep and was woke up by him screaming that his skin was on fire, several hours had passed since it was applied. He walked around for weeks with minimal body hair and red marks. Hes forgiven us now lol

Oh and this morning I woke up fully clothed, laying length ways across my bed with the light still on in my room.


Member +
Well i have loads of stories for you lol

Was 2 of my mates bdays, and everyone chipped in for 2 pints of top shelf spirits, they pussied out so i thought feck it i will drink em both, not going to waste em, so one after the other down the hatch they went, felt fine for about 20... next thing im woken up by my mate for golf at 7 in the morning layed on the living room floor with no clothes on.
Turns out i got thrown out of the pub for being abusive and pissed my self while i was unconcious haha hence the no clothes part, pissed all over my phone in my pocket, that was fecked.
Oh and i didnt manage to make it to golf that morning as i was still steaming till about lunch time haha :D

pics speak 1000 words lol a couple years back, must of been 18,

house party= paraletic=



was not happy as it didnt wash off for a few days :D


Haha, I'm loving that! Esp the whole face coloured!

Man this thread has some win in it!

I took a bird home, got down to it and fell asleep while we were doing it lol! Oops! She was not impressed...


Member +
Not as epic as a few of them but me and my mate got very drunk at our local. All I remember walking home was my mate trying to get a estate agents tv (behind the glass mind) because it was bigger than his one at home! He gave up after 10 mins of wondering why he cant literally grab it (forgot about the glass!!). We woke up in the morning to find 4 bulmers glasses wrapped in bubble wrap. Till this day no one know where the hell we got the bubble wrap from! good night!

My all time best moment was at my engagement do with all my family, family to be and mates. We had hired a pub for the night and i promised my misses I would not drink much and be well behaved. I had started drinking the good old cider around 5 and by time we got to pub at 8 I had drunk 4 pints but still quite sober. Anyway long story short mates spiked one of my bulmers with a double shot of vodka and champagne and made me down it and blamed the "off" taste to being end of barrel. By end of night i was drinking port, jd and sambucca and was silly drunk doing YMCA, chasing misses with roses and generally making a tit out of my self. We got a back to hers and i was up all night and all the following day being violently ill! So thanks to my mates my misses was well annoyed for about a week have stayed off booze since