Blitz R-Fit...


Super Moderator
yes, it is basically the same thing as an apexi safc.

bloke who lives next to my parents has one and i had a look at it once and it seems reasnably simple to use.

the safc is generally cheaper and easier to pickup too. plus lots more poeple know how to use them and set them up
see the problem with these is not alot of people know how to use them. you should never use them to remove fuel only add it. and alot of the time you want to lean the cars out from there factory rich map. So to run these properly you should run a RRFPR as well. lower the base fuel pressure to a point where you will be always adding fuel to get to the tune you want. this will then work fine.

The way they work is dangerious and i've seen it lead to alot of engine failures.

Tim :)