Hi im new... obviously...


Fresh Recruit
hi im new, i love glanzas, i live in nottingham, and i love cars, im more of a "hands on" kinda guy, and i know alot about engines etc. ive always been around cars, my dad used to sell em.

i used to be well into hondas (my dad worked at lookers, nottingham) untill i found out about Glanza starlets, and, well, im on love :p

im joining the RAF soon hopefully, and my plan is to get a glanza as a first car, i dont think ill go for a v as a first, i want to go start off with something a bit easier to use :p what is insurance like, and what is there to look for when it comes to the initial purchase, and also which are the cheapest :p hahahaah im such a cheapskate lmao

oh btw my name is joe :)