Laguna Splitter


Thought this might be a good tutorial and answer the Q of "is it really off a Renault Laguna or is it a brand name".
It is a 96to 99 Renault Laguna splitter

You can get one at your local scrap yard.
It's v. flexible so it can bend to the shape of the front bumper.

1. Take the bumper off(this makes it much easier)

2. Tape the splitter using black duck tape (as this wont leave marks) to the bumper into the desired position.

3. Use a drill or screwdriver to screw (i used tex srews on mine) the laguna splitter into place.

4. Cut off the overlapping pieces to make it flush.(I used a garden snips as they are strong and cut the splitter v. easy).

5.Put bumper back on.

Job done,now you have your splitter!