Site Meets/Social Events- General Code Of Conduct


Supermoderator & Area Reps Manager
When Representing the site at these events we the Staff would appreciate if all of the members who organize and attend these events would respect and keep in mind the following:

For The Members Organizing

1. When deciding on having a Meet it would be important to take the the following into consideration:
  • Area
  • Location
  • Permission to use premises (if need be)
  • Time of Event
  • Local Residents
  • Local authorities
  • Access
  • Health and Safety

2. In cases of a Run/Drive being organised road conditions should also be researched and the appropriate law abiding behavior outlined along with rules of the road and safety.

For The Members Attending

1. We would ask that everybody that attends the Meet/Run shows the utmost respect for the local residents, authorities and each other.

2. Don't treat the area and location it's being held in disrespectfully.

3. Please keep the noise levels to a minimum by trying to refrain from unnecessary revving of engines and excessively loud music.

4. Please drive carefully and Practice good road safety.

5. Please remember if you bring someone then you are responsible for their behavior.

6. Most importantly these events are all about having fun while getting to know and meet other members along with sharing information and discussing each others cars.

Although we have no doubt that you all will keep the standard and behavior that has been demonstrated at these events in the past, it is important for us to remind you that untoward behavior will not be tolerated and will have consequences.

Thank you, staff.