The world should remember and take heed ** may be disturbing to some


I was having a browse around the WWW last night and came across this documentary which I had seen before but had kind of slipped out of my mind.

Many of you will have seen films such as schindler's list and documentaries about the war and even some directly about the holocaust but this video footage and the way it is presented is some of the most striking Ive ever seen.

As you watch the "cleanup operation" you realise that each one of the bodies was actually a person. I hear people from other religions slate the jews and some even deny that this mass extermination ever happened but this shows in a very stark way what actually happened.

If you get a few minutes have a look at this video and comment below. This is a very very hard lesson that humankind should have learned from but with every year we move forward this apocalyptic reality fades from memory.

This footage is from when the concentration camps were first liberated and may be shocking to some.


Member +
Been reading about this on World news websites during course of today, going to have a watch of the video when I get home. Cheers D.


Member +
Truly shocking and disturbing but people need to know about things like this. How anyone can deny it happened is appalling. That's like saying the victims never existed too.

If you want to read about something similarly shocking that happened during that time, look up 'Unit 731'. I will warn you though, it's extremely disturbing.


Dylan, I'll take a proper look at this post later.
I'd like to be able to say man learns from his mistakes but this kind of destruction of human life has and will happen again and again.
In Cambodia, The Khmer Rouge between 1975–1979 under the rule of Pol Pot put to death an estimated 1.5 million people or 1/5 of the country's total population. The thing that really gets me is how recent this is, having wondered round the S-21 prison camp which is still in very good condition...with what look like blood stains on the walls etc, it really hits home with man ability to hate man.

This could all easily have been avoided and I'm not pointing any fingers today.

BTW we didn't bother with the trip to the killing fields.


Member +
the footage is absolutly awfall, I cannot believe how much lack of respect people can have for human life! even the corpses get treated with no respect, there moved around like there rag dolls!!


interesting responses everyone.

It amazes me that every one of those people who literally look like bags of bones was a person. Like they were not just a number or another body. They were a person. They saw everyone else around them being slaughtered and had everything taken from them. To deny them the right to tell their story by denying that this every happened is the final injustice.

rb69: Ive seen that stuff about the japs before and its pretty disgusting

Gryzor: cant imagine what it must be like to walk around that place. His leadership still amazes me everytime I think about it. I mean people had to go along with this stuff or it would never have happened. How can people with such extreme views be allowed to remain in power.

I think we become too used to seeing images of skulls piled high etc and dont actually stop to consider the torment the brains that occupied those skulls witnessed and the horrors that the eyes which occupied those skulls had to see.


if your interested the book "First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers" by Loung Ung is worth the read just an amazing true story.


Member +
I couldnt watch it all got half way through to where it was showing the women that were raped and then injected with diseases etc Seriously sick.

yeah same for me mate, It really is amazing what people can bring themselves to do, i cant understand how people can do it to another living human being!


I once did alot of research into these atrocities. In the German concentration camps there was another group along with the Jew and political prisoners who received the same horrific treatment, tough they are no widely mentioned by history. These people refused to "hail Hilter" of take up weapons because of their religious belief of principled love based on the bible which would prevent them from taking another's life. They wore a purple triangle on their garments in the camps to identify them, and to escape the cruelty heaped upon them, they simply had to sign a letter renouncing their faith as evil and anti state, and admitting that Hilter their saviour. If they did, they would be released and restored to prosperity. Interestingly, a few signed, but a great many died horribly, or endured the type of horrors seen on the documentaries because they wished to keep their integrity, instead of taking an easy way out. This group is known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Their stories are seldom told. They could have escaped this nightmare, but resisted a regime and a Tyrant beacuse they simply wished to uphold their principles.


Member +
Jahovah's witnessess are very strong with there belief's i work with one and i ask him questions and they do have some quite extreme beliefs in my eye's! Like not donating or excepting blood even if it could save thiers or there familys lives!!

Iv never thought about them being capted in the consontration camps aswell!!


Member +
A very horrific film there Dylan. And to think that this was only a matter of decades ago.

My views on religion are of a very negative one, and here is not the place for discussion. I will say however, that I am appauled how one human being treats another over what religion they choose. I have some personnal experience of this, although not life treatening but just plain sad. The stories are not appropriate for here and thank goodness this is a car forum!


exactly Mr Duck.

This sort of stuff is like something you hear about happening hundreds of years ago and we can comfortably sit here and say "well that was a long time ago a lot has changed" but this is not so long ago...

@Guye: interesting info mate I didnt know that.

regarding religion I dont really have an issue with religion as long as it is not forced upon me and as long as the religious teachings are done in a respectful manner toward other beliefs. There are certain religions out there that still despise Jews and preach hatred toward anyone that does not follow their teachings, those religions I have no time for, they are fanatical and based around hatred and violence despite saying otherwise.

There are then others who hijack events and cast their own teachings upon them such as the scientologists who blame the holocaust on psychiatrists in order to lend credibility to their teachings that psychiatrists are evil

The above detracts from the horrors and reality of the situation in my opinion and is used as a scare tactic - sickening.


Super Moderator
i dont have the energy to start on this thread lol(though your taught to be be instant in season or out of season(ie whether you "feel" like it or not), but lets just say its a great subject and a sad one at the same time.

ive heard a little about the nonsense preached by muslims and scientologists about the holocaust and it only makes them seem deluded but at least it removes some more credibiblity from the hate they teach.

I watched a program on a documentory channel the other day on that unit 731. There was also something about Auschwitz. Truely truely disturbing the way they developed the methods of mass killing. It just makes me sad that there were actually humans out there that could be so totally cruel and have no emotion or guilt when performing these murders.
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Member +
i dont have the energy to start on this thread lol(though your taught to be be instant in season or out of season(ie whether you "feel" like it or not), but lets just say its a great subject and a sad one at the same time.

ive heard a little about the nonsense preached by muslims and scientologists about the holocaust and it only makes them seem deluded but at least it removes some more credibiblity from the hate they teach.


you always manage to find a way to get islam into ANY thread mate !
islam doesnt preach anything about holocausts , but like others , one of them a notable french writer , a christian , has debated , not the holocaust , but the number in the camps , stating , its true yes , but not 6 million thats all , second point , one of the main teachings , which you dont know ofcourse , is respect to all religions , and all prophets , from abraham to moses to joseph to jesus to mohamed , and many more inbetween that i cant remember their names , cursing a religion or its prophet are a sin in islam , there are radicals who would say any other than muslims we have to fight , like in any other cult or religion .
however when we talk of preaching against , the likes of israeli jews , coz we have egyptian jews too , those have taken our land , for over 6 years , and killed our people on egyptian land , so theres not much to talk about there eh ?


Super Moderator
you always manage to find a way to get islam into ANY thread mate !
not true. you see this thread seems to be about the holocaust. mass cull of jews? in what way do you remove arabs/muslims from a thread about the slaughter of their cousins?

islam doesnt preach anything about holocausts ,
islam doesnt preach its a religilion lol, people preach and you have to choose what of the mass crap to believe :) ?.....muhammed began the holocaust...history? read..learn?

theres not much to talk about there eh ?
theres lots where do you want to start? lol(ps im in work, so i may not get a chance to answer you until later tonight)

you also say that a teaching that i wouldnt know... a bit of a assumption there but anyhow, the Q'ran does teach the exact opposite of what you just said, respect etc so in that it is contradictory, maybe muhammed made that bit up after he had finished his wars? i dont know what he was upto when he wrote these vastly different messages? one of peace and another of emmm rape or terror?

i wasnt trying to annoy anyone, if you read further up people certainly have mentioned muslims/islam without saying their name. chill fender

as for Egypt... they say in the 50 60's the holocaust continued in Egypt in a similar state as central europe a decade before! the Egyptian Secret Police, who "removed" jews from their property, were put under the charge of......Leopold Gleim (a man previously sentanced to Death in Poland, the head of polish gestapo, a Nazi, a man who spent his adult life slaughtering jews)

On November 23, 1956, a proclamation signed by the Minister of Religious Affairs, and read aloud in mosques throughout Egypt, declared that "all Jews are Zionists and enemies of the state," and promised that they would be soon expelled. Thousands of Jews were ordered to leave the country.

after this the cull began, as you can imagine similar to europe, it involved "camps" and jews out of work out of their homes cut off from their previous reality, who were exported at best and killed at worst.

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