[ 2009 calendar contest ]


there is a group "theme" ;) it woud fit there as long as it is not a photoshoped starlet duplicated !


I'm sure if you just submit the photo, lio will be kind enough to find the most suitable theme for you.

hmm, I would rather like that everyone choose their own theme. I have already receiver 3 photos that didn't fit any categories...
in fact if no theme is specified, we don't accept the submission as a rule.

yes, 2 cars is already considered as a group. a very small group thought, but is accepted :)
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Member +
hmm, I would rather like that everyone choose their own theme. I have already receiver 3 photos that didn't fit any categories...
in fact if no theme is specified, we don't accept the submission as a rule.

yes, 2 cars is already considered as a group. a very small group thought

oh right, i stand corrected. I would have thought most photos would fit one of the themes .... obviously not!


sorry to sound strict on this one, it is just easier to organize this way.
in fact the typical picture we don't want to receive is a car in its full length standing in a parking lot at day time. As you can imagine, it doesn't fit any theme. that the exact type of photo I received 3 times with no theme specified as it doesn't fit any.

If some are confused about themes, you can post your photo here, so we will check it first. otherwise if you send a photo that doesn't fit themes or rules, I will always send you back an email saying that your photo has been rejected and you can send me a new one. I would appreciated that everyone try to respect requirements from first email thought :) (I have a very slow connection)


Suspected_Psycho, I would recomend you to post in "motion" theme then. it was meant for that ;)


Member +
I would like this pic to be in...

Sorry to post it in hear but i cant seem to e-mail it to you at the moment...


Might be worth reminding folks of the categories available so as they choose pics to suit. Here are the choices:

- Interior
- Engine bay
- Track/Rally
- Quarter mile
- Motion
- Night & Artificial lights
- Group
- Close up Detail

Remember to state which theme your picture is being entered for.




Thanks Jay to remind rules. please make sure you have chosen your theme and that your photo is high resolution
(I have received few avatars :homer:)

confirmed entrants for now are :

Engine bay :
- samarai912

Track/Rally :
- Rory

Night & Artificial lights :
- Cornish-Glanza
- gv1.3
- mike_ep91

Group :
- Dan

Close up Detail :
- Nottyash

still no entrants in those categories :
Quarter mile

if your name is not listed, it means your photo didn't match requirements. please try again

I'm waiting every "car of the month" photos aswell. for those who were in, send me your best pic. in your case, you don't need to fit any themes. just send your best photo :)

"Car of the year" (Aga) has already sent his photo.
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Member +
I would like this pic to be in...

Sorry to post it in hear but i cant seem to e-mail it to you at the moment...

wish people would read....

- One Landscape photo and one Landscape photo only per member
- specify your theme and username
- minimum resolution : 2200*1700


Member +
If you're struggling for entries lio, why not allow more than one photo per user - i could send a few to fill out the other categories.


Member +
lol :p

Engine bay :
- samarai912

Track/Rally :
- Rory

Night & Artificial lights :
- Cornish-Glanza
- gv1.3
- mike_ep91

Group :
- Dan

Close up Detail :
- Nottyash

cmon, i dont see your name there corey - you've got some brilliant photos!