damage done to ur car?


Fresh Recruit
if u notice a massive new scratch on ur roof, what can you do? i am getting sick of anti-social behaviour. there is this kid (12-13) who just pisses me off so bad, i had to go to the police a few days ago. well it all started with him throwing dirt on my door step, then posting things through the letter box, from cigarette buds to dirt. also knocking on the door or throwing something at the window n running off. the thing is he only live 3 houses away n they only moved here about a year ago. well i told the police n they already knew about him as hes been arrested by them before.

btw, i only discovered the scratch on my roof today, the police gave me some anti-social behaviour forms to fill in but i didnt see any1 do it, so cant actually fill it in. i just dont understand why people do these things n dont have better things to do.


Member +
from his age it sounds like its being caused by a bad upbringing or some sort of behaviour disorder that isnt being treated properly (again usually down to parents who dont give a shit).

It bollox really as you cant do a whole lot about it, kids are too young to know the impact that this will have on his life further down the road and if his parents are doing anything to punish him then he doesnt see the problem.

He starts trouble, gets to see police car with pretty flashing lights, lots of attention, no consequences. Simple


Fresh Recruit
from his age it sounds like its being caused by a bad upbringing or some sort of behaviour disorder that isnt being treated properly (again usually down to parents who dont give a shit).

It bollox really as you cant do a whole lot about it, kids are too young to know the impact that this will have on his life further down the road and if his parents are doing anything to punish him then he doesnt see the problem.

He starts trouble, gets to see police car with pretty flashing lights, lots of attention, no consequences. Simple

yeh, the parents should do more about it n not let them out till 10 at night. its these kind of people who turn into criminals i recon n something early should be done about it before they create more damage.


im guessing that with the way this kid acts, his parents dont give a shit.

have you tried talking to them about it? (its prob a waste of time from what i've read)


Fresh Recruit
im guessing that with the way this kid acts, his parents dont give a shit.

have you tried talking to them about it? (its prob a waste of time from what i've read)

well no coz the police said they would tell his parents. n i dont think that parents like his would be very understanding. would prob just shut the door in my face. well for the past 2 days, nothing has been done to my hse. but just a massive new scratch on my roof, i think i should be able to get it out with some turtle wax maybe.


Member +

Are you suggesting to burn his eyes out?

Btw cats will scratch up your roof in no time.

No, the trick is get a white shirt and put red food colouring all over it. Put the shirt on and a balaclava. Wait behind your front door with a meat cleaver in one hand and the flare in another. When he comes withing 20 feet of your house run out after him shouting RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The flare is just for added effect, the meat cleaver/balaclava/mental trauma combo should sort him out tho.


Member +
get some cctv ,catch the c**t and get him charged or make his arsehole parents pay for any damage caused to your home or car,or as already said ,kick ten shades of shite out of him


Fresh Recruit
get some cctv ,catch the c**t and get him charged or make his arsehole parents pay for any damage caused to your home or car,or as already said ,kick ten shades of shite out of him

yeh, i just bought a spy cam off ebay the other day, lol. just need to get a security light fitted to the house as cams are pretty crap in the dark.


Member +
as already mentioned the only way to get something done is to catch him doing it or get a few witness' and report it to the police but if you have video evidence they can get court ordered and evicted if it carries on without any improvement. OR just get a balaclava and knock seven shades of s**t outta him it'll make you feel better. (get us a pic up of the scratch and we'll be able to give tips on getting rid!)


Fresh Recruit
as already mentioned the only way to get something done is to catch him doing it or get a few witness' and report it to the police but if you have video evidence they can get court ordered and evicted if it carries on without any improvement. OR just get a balaclava and knock seven shades of s**t outta him it'll make you feel better. (get us a pic up of the scratch and we'll be able to give tips on getting rid!)

yeh, well they was evicted from their last address and moved here, so they know the process anyway. i will get a pic of it tmrw when there is some daylight tmrw. thanks mate.