dump valve


Member +
is it normal to have oil arround my dump valve as it seems to be leeking oil not bad just is a bit dirty so doesnt drip just when i wipe my finger has oil resedue around where pressure comes out the cone as i have a blitz dump valve quite expensive one


Member +
depends on how much is coming out mate, tends to suggest your turbo seals are leaking and oil is going into your pipework and out the dumpvalve. A little bit in the system is normal but if its coming out the valve then it tends to suggest the seals on your turbo need replacing.


Member +
Didn't look like there was that much there mate! Should be fine, just keep an eye on your exhaust for black/bluey smoke.


a little bit is normal... when i had my stock ct9 there was some oil on the BOV and even after i swithced to hybrid there it was still...