EMU Vs Mines ECU


Member +
I've always wondered if the mines ecu is really as good as, or better than a well tuned emanage ultimate. They cost roughly the same price, but what is really the better Ecu? Would it be best to get rid of my mines unit and get an ultimate??

Obviously the mines is plug and play. No hassle, no need for the expense of a dyno setup, no need to get special fuel regulators etc. But with an EMU, you can customize your settings and get a fine tune, and of course, launch control



In The Closet
ultimate will better as you can fine tune it more, rather than the mines which has preset data in there, so wont make the best use of your mods you currently have.

ie you may not be running the correct mods to make the most of the mines.

but im sure someone else will pop along shortly put give you a much more detailed explanation between the two.


My trackcar will be heading emanage once I get my head around it. The extra adjustment is too big a bonus and will unlease more power.

Until then the Mines ECU stays put.


Member +
I just like the no hassle factor of the mines unit, plus the rareity value of it. if i could swap it for an ultimate i think i would happy with the choice


Yeah, there is that in the preset's favour. Less hassle.

It still stands that you can unlock more power with something adjustable.

All depends on personal preference. :)