Job Hunting!


Member +
my gf's sisters fella has just been laid off by MFI, sucks so close to christmas and they got a baby due around that time too.


Member +
Oh well got made redundant on Friday. Went back into as a consultant for the administrators, 2-6 weeks paid weekly work with expense paid. Thing is.... I gotta answer calls from customers. I did a few hours of it today and it nearly drove me insane. Only thing thats keeping me there is the hopeful bonus at the end of it!! Call centre works I do honestly respect the job you do, must be so hard not to lose your rag :(


sorry to hear that Stuart but SAP does travel well so at least you have that on your side.

Also .. I dont know if you have any experience in the mobile side but its becoming hugely popular so might be worth skilling up on asap.


Member +
least its some cash for xmas n stuff mate, just get your cv out there n hound everyone for a job.


Member +
Shit man sorry to hear.

Things are not looking good here, too many people becoming unemployed due companies liquidating.


Member +
Its not just MFI that goes down too, its all the other little companies where MFI was a main customer.. :(

I'll be reet, just wallowing in selfpity atm :p