
oh I just remembered something that might cheer you up Akki.


his hands were covered in dogshite... he looks up at my father and my father shouts down to him "I told you it was all shite" LOL

lmfao.... haha


Member +
bastards came down my house wanting my corolla gti!!! 5 different muthafukas came and knocked on my door wanting my old car!! they even said to my mum, "you have a nice house, but it looks like a council house with this car there" my mum goes "its my sons car so fuck off!"

they didnt cum with a pick up truck, they fucking came with a mini flatbed with one of those bastard cranes on the back....what the fuck!!!


Member +
WTF has happened to the UK?! This must be the 3rd or 4th thread with a similar tale in the past couple of months. It really has gone to rat shit hasn't it. Anyone fancy a revolution fight club style? I'm Tyler Durden.


I reckon it should be legal to be able to put land mines on your own property. You could make it a sport, put loads of shiney things in the garden and then place bets on which ones manage to get out alive LMFAO!!!!


Member +
Don't they do that in Barnsley anyway?

(I'm from Rotherham, so can get away with ripping "Tarn" LMAO :) )
They took 15 grand worth of heatreated cast iron from the place where I work it was like a raid they even had a forklift to lift it fucken scumers I hate the sight of them. I was worken part time in halfrauds and the first day the shop was open a 'tanna wanna' came in trying to return lock nuts saying his wife got them two weeks previous and they dont fit there such chancers.


Member +
what i'd do would be to purchase a fleet of staff's (with the occassional pitbull :p) to guard your property :), and no member of the traveling community will come near your house :D


Member +
Dammm thats so bad of them! i guess im lucky ive been home whenever they have been round my street and they knocked on the door and ask for stuff that was lying around but the only reason i have stuff lying around is coz its junk and saves me takin it scrap yard!


slower? hmmm.... not sure about that... driver skill has a big part to play Kellah even with you having an auto to stop you having to learn how to change gears :)

And sure I told ya already, when I get the Supra we can put your GT in the boot and it will then get to travel quickly...

*Awaits Kellys Jokes about boats and docking and sailing and being a captain of a ship etc etc etc* <--- haha I just stole all the material you were gonna use for your reply


Member +
Ah-hoy Captain let me know when you dock it over in England and we'll have this arguement face to face :) Or boat against GT :)

*bastard stealing my replies coz u knew i would own yo ass!*