A Very sad day.

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I wouldnt like to say on a public forum, and maybe we should respect his privacy as well and not ask him.

But he has sunk himself as far as prices are concerned for the parts he is about to list for sale ;)


Member +

if for nothing else, it's very rude of you guys to question and start planting your own biased opinions of what the root cause of this thread is. the way i see it, most of you already have it pretty certain that H_D is being sent to cell block D already. come on fellaz..! why is this the 'chill out room' then..? we should be able to share other non-car related stuff here.. and give him the privacy he deserves. if he wants to come out with the reason behind this, he will. we shouldn't just shoot him down like this.. :/


Member +
TBH I think rory has a good point. When I saw "a very sad day" I was expecting to read of someone's death, then I read the first post and thought you must have cancer or something. Later posts suggest you are merely a criminal who got caught. Of course this may well not be the case, but your enigmatic responses do not paint an overly positive picture...

If protecting my family makes me a mere criminal then i suppose thats what i am


Member +
back to the silver lining H_D, how about you just have someone keep the car in safe hands for you.. until you bounce back..? :/


Super Moderator
I'll close this thread, it may not be in the OP's interest to post 'things' on a public forum.
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