Anyone running the ME221 ECU from Motorsport electronics?


Member +
Hi Alex,

Is there a solution to the ignition electrical noise spilling into the trigger signal, or is it still just a case of modifying the oem dizzy?
Also what about the above issues with the afr readings?

ps @dark_knight and @Glanza_Muzz are your cars up and running now or still are you still having teething issues?

Thanks guys

Greetings earthlings..
Sorry, I got a little too fat over Christmas from eating all the treats and couldn't do any sort of work due to sheer laziness.. hehehe
Now I'm back and still cleaning up lots of electricals as the engine management was just but a slice of the larger tasks getting done on the chariot.

I am currently at the sensor calibration stage having plugged in the ME221 and so far, everything seems to be reading okay and responsive. Will attempt a crank sometime soon and report. Will have it on video for review by future me.. but as for now, present me is looking at what past me did as I have fully customized my harness in every possible way and had forgotten some of the things I did prior.. :D


Member +
Additional updates here fellaz..
The chariot is running great. Not sure what the Internet has been saying about the ME-series being useless and not worth it. I guess I may be slightly biased saying this as I was in the middle of heavy electrical renovations so interfacing it was really easy and it works as advertised. I won't be listing all the awesome features as you can read those from the site but I like it and hope they stay in business long enough to keep giving support for when we need it.. :)

I split the board down by removing the daughter board in order to run a trace on the connectors to ensure I don't short out any of the pinouts as I was customizing it..

Lots of soldering went in, using network cable wires to bridge the pins..

After the soldering, I used some hot glue blobs to hold the 'wire rails' down. The reason for all this was to move the AUX plug that lives inside the board to allow those connections to be accessible from the OE plugs so that I don't have additional wiring going into the case via other places..

My board isn't the latest nor greatest but it works really well for my needs so it can remain an option for those interested..
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