Had a question matey.
to give you an idea of my set up im running
blitz airfilter in the front bumper with 2 inch piping
Ported Wastegate
hks actuator
zep decat
exhuast system which is 2 inch.
and a hks evc 6
i used to have boost creep on my old car, and this is not as bad. with the boost controller off it goes to about 0.5 bar but then starts to creep. again with the controller on it boosts to about 0.8 and then creeps, have only hit fuel cut in the top of the rev range.
My question is, if i restrict the air intake, either by making the silicone pipe smaller (cable tie) or by covering the filter with somthing, Will the turbo still reach the desired pressure?, or if i had too any restrictions would it be noticable. I want to keep the great spool up times atm with the filter, but have no boost creep