Heater Fan Not Blowing


Fresh Recruit
As above i am having a bit of trouble with my heaters. It has happened before but they started working again after a few mins. This time however its not coming back.
I fear it mite be a wider electrical problem as lately some strange things have been happening for example the handbrake light didnt come on when engaged but worked again after a few mins.
Any ideas would be appreciated as i was freezin my tits off this mornin.


This is for a UK spec Starlet but it will give you a good idea what you are looking at....



My blower fan motor stopped working awhile back also. I located the unit behind the glove box and started by removing and cleaning the connector plugged into it. There was a rubber hose looking thing coming from the fan motor as well so I sprayed some electrical parts cleaner in there for good measure. It came back on and has been working fine since then.


Fresh Recruit
Tanx john, bit clearer now. Jumped in today and they are working again!

Will give that a try guye if they act up again...which they probably will.