irish lads holiday helpski..!


Member +
im looking at booking my hols 2 hersonisis & dont know were to stay?? was looking @ dream appartments, any1 stay there?

or better still name me a good place 2 stay.. cheeeers!!:beer::beer:


Member +
ye just want sumin diferent no! good spot tho,, scumbeach yeah?? lol

napa is anoher spot bt sum of the boys have taken an ol bloow in the recession so cheap as for them..!!


Member +
no hols at all this year for me anyway... scumbeach lanzarote has been the best place ive been on hols.. nite life is unreal and you get a free shot and drink in every pub out there.. the most i spent in one nite was 8euro and up the mountains then for some cooked chicken from a volcano vent


Member +
lol, ibiza is diferent class altogethr, stayed in ibiza rocks, its ureal good, dollies everywer.!

and the west is cheap as chips. 6euro= doublevodka redbull bottle of bud & a shot of samboooka.... RUBBER lol...

no1 in crete then no:(