New house :)


Excellent job He did :) nice and cosy inside last night and didn't take long coming up to 20 this morning, never lost as much either as to be expected lol
100th post and that's all the Big work done at last, just a few silly bits of trim here and there to fit and that's that :)


55 inch Samsung curved up on the wall this morning :) clean af looking with the sockets and wires hidden. Bracket moves out 300mm, tilts and can move sideways too. Folds in flat with 3 inch behind it too. Might dig the Xbox out and tuck it in behind it too.......


Member +
@SKINY Next time just post that last photo! That makes it look sketch as FACK!

I had to examine the photos in more detail just to be sure you weren't crazy lol.


@SKINY Next time just post that last photo! That makes it look sketch as FACK!

I had to examine the photos in more detail just to be sure you weren't crazy lol.
Screwed to the stairs to death lol, ladder supports also screwed to death :)
Solid as rock lol, total "scaffolding" cost 15£ in wood lol


So with the way things went at work I've now time to do some more house stuff lol, few small bits and pieces will get finished off then I'm replacing all the windows :) ordered and payed for earlier today. Drainage has always been an issue in the back garden so will be digging it all up and putting proper Drainage lines in then raising the level a bit with fresh top soil then New turf layer. The front garden is on a slope and everytime it rains water gathers on the concrete at the bottom so that's getting a proper Drainage channel ran to the main drain and leveled.
Conservatory door needs replacing too and to be honest so does the rest of the windows in it, soo I'm currently thinking about trailing it down and the extending it to 3M X 6M right across the back of the house lol :)


Was expecting the builder this week but nothing yet fs
Garage is now half full with all new windows and glass waiting on him lol
Went and bought a rotavator earlier to turn the back garden over, maybe not need to put drainage in then as most of its clay but its being broke up well now. I'm all for getting a wee mini digger in and trailing the top 2 foot off then drainage but Danielle has decided its not needed so that's an I told you so moment saved to use later loool


Fuck that claysoil :( a good 6 hours just with the rotavator, It's from screwfix 70£ and actually very good for the money. Ideally the soil needs to be dry and not claysoil lol.
A few different things you can add to improve it and I've went for the cheapest compost I could find lol, 320 Litres or 4 big massive bags at 40kg each I'm sure. You add compost and basically mix it through with the rotavator, this will help it dry out and stop clumping together hopefully lol so they say.
Started rain earlier so will have to leave it now until its dried out.
Will do the drainage next tho.
Pulled the old central heating pipes and wiring out too, was thinking I was in for a nice wee bit of copper scrap but pvc pipes fslool.
Pulled the cable through and left it in the corner beside the back window, can use that for an outdoor socket for the hot tub and some fancy lights now :)


Last 2 days spent putting the new windows in :) just our bedroom 1 to fit in the morning then the rest of the day will be spent fitting trim and cleaning and tidy-up.
Probably be Friday before we start the drainage when all the window mess is outa the way.


That's the windows done and trimmed in mostly today after a few hours, steel lintels/heads/supports where crusty looking so sanding them back and treating them before triming the outside. To do them properly/replace is another job for another time lol


Decided to straighten the edges of the flowerbeds in the front garden today as they looked like Stevie wonder had been at them lol.
Used a few lengths of wood as a guide then dug the edges out with a square mouth shovel :)


That's the New frame fitted and sealed on the front with silicone, will be filling the rear gap with foam, should keep the rain from trickling through :)
Few weeks back I lifted the vynil floor and it was all soaked and mouldy from getting wet, didn't realise it had gone right through it, 3.5M X 5M absolutely soaked underneath, trailed put and tipped.
Garage floor was obviously soaking underneath and it's took just over a week to dry out, Garage door was leaking during lashing rain too but have that leak sorted

New washing Machine too seeing the old 1 died when we where in Tenereife :( it was a fancy expensive Hotpoint 1 we got for free about 5 years ago from Danielle's work so it did well lol

Pipe in the picture is 40MM, the proper size for Washing Machine drain outlet, fit that today


Need a 52mm core drill bit to fit the pipe, the sds chisel is a bit to violent but am I fuck paying 35£ for a bit to drill 2 holes lol


Been meaning to do this a while and since it's a cracker day why not.
Removing all the ridge tiles, removing all old shity cement and replacing them using lovely fresh cement :)
Back has always had a bit missing so I've layed them a bit thurther apart so when I get to the front tile the excess I will need to cut should cover the rear gap


Ran outa cement the other day so went and got a bag today, ladders out, mixed it up, hoked a few new tiles out from behind the garage then climbed up onto the roof with the bucket of cement.
Ready to start cementing and the buckets as hard as a rock ? WTF
Carried it back down and checked the bag, I'd only went and lifted K-POST instead of K-MIX.
Exactly same bags only 1 says POST 1 MIX
Dickhead lol that's for putting fencePOSTs in
Beer o'clock, it can wait to Monday till the local suppliers is open.

Meanwhile I'm reorganising inside the Garage slightly again for more room to get the GT back in, maybe motivate me to do something to it lmfao


Driveway was looking tired so spent 5 hours Sunday cleaning it then yesterday Danielle painted it :)
Used Sika Tarmac Restorer with a long hair roller and a brush, looks real tidy now, even the concrete bit in front of the garage is black as night now :)