That's the New frame fitted and sealed on the front with silicone, will be filling the rear gap with foam, should keep the rain from trickling through

Few weeks back I lifted the vynil floor and it was all soaked and mouldy from getting wet, didn't realise it had gone right through it, 3.5M X 5M absolutely soaked underneath, trailed put and tipped.
Garage floor was obviously soaking underneath and it's took just over a week to dry out, Garage door was leaking during lashing rain too but have that leak sorted
New washing Machine too seeing the old 1 died when we where in Tenereife

it was a fancy expensive Hotpoint 1 we got for free about 5 years ago from Danielle's work so it did well lol
Pipe in the picture is 40MM, the proper size for Washing Machine drain outlet, fit that today