Charleville Castle Co Offaly Ireland... Show your interest ...


well when I say donation... if we get this off the ground there will be a mandatory "donation" required :) so everyone will be told how much they need to give.

I have friends and family members who are interested... so the short answer is yes but I dont know how many places will be available. One thing to bear in mind however is that this is a photo/video/paranormal opportunity it is not a piss-up etc so anyone that goes will only be welcome if they are there for that purpose.


Who you gonna call?



Sorry Johnny boy, you'll have to make do with dread, panic and adrenaline..

Perfectly understandable Dylan. I'm guessing we should gather some basic equipment for something like this?


haha hip flasks at the ready!

Well I am going to order and EMF meter for this one. Ill have my camera and video camera and a digital voice recorder :) Never know we might catch something lurking in the castle.

I would just advise anyone that is going to bring along a camera and take a few snaps and see what you get :)

It will be a great night of adventure in a very haunted castle with big fires going etc... wow!


okay Johnny dont despair.... they have come back with two options.

1) a fairly laid back chillout in the place have a few beers have a look around stay the night have the lead investigator of a pranormal team there to tell us what he has experienced and walk around with us etc.

2) get this dude to bring his team with him and conduct a full investigation

Personally the first one appeals more to me. He has said he can accomodate a group of 15 max!

I have to reserve 2 spots for people who said they might be interested in going they are not 100% sure but said they might so that is 13 spots left and Jay, Daragh and I all said we wanted to go so thats only 10 left ...

I guess we better start making a list as it will be first come first served. I still dont know when this will take place or how much it will be so if you are interested at the moment fire your name down and we can work it out when we have more info.

1) Dylan
2) Jay
3) Dar81


Member +
1) Dylan
2) Jay
3) Dar81
4) Duff
5) Fiona
Pretty sure my woman will want to come cus she loves this sorta stuff, will I stick her name down too?
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