Feeling Depressed


Member +
keep yourself busey man not worth dwelling on it. girls come and go and like every one keeps sayin you got plenty of time your still young. and if the car takes your mind of it then go play wit the car. college work can wait one more day :)


I still can't get my work done its f*cking me off now :(

She was the best girl I think I'll ever meet. Only lasted a few months and its just crashed in to a wall though, shes lying about something but she still won't admit it. No point having a girlfriend you don't trust eh?! I must admit I'm very sensetive though, and the smallest things can make me lose my trust with someone. Not good eh.



Member +
Thats bad advice.

I took this girl out once and she text me by accident "Oh and he's got a nice car".

Never spoke to the materialistic fucker again! :p

So say she said god i love him soo much and "he has a nice car" ?? did you just read into that a few hundred miles out or did you know for other reasons she was this materialistic...?


I still can't get my work done its f*cking me off now :(

She was the best girl I think I'll ever meet. Only lasted a few months and its just crashed in to a wall though, shes lying about something but she still won't admit it. No point having a girlfriend you don't trust eh?! I must admit I'm very sensetive though, and the smallest things can make me lose my trust with someone. Not good eh.


lmfao..... let me tell abbu ji


Member +
I would say I'm a good judge of character, I like to sit back and work people out before I decide if they're worth any time! Goes for blokes and females, guys don't make themselves out to be really complicated unlike women (Because they're really not), hence why alot of girls prefer guys as friends - whether the guys motive is friendship is another story!

The thing is with alot of guys these days is that they're increasingly obsessive and insecure and feel they need to know everything and it's a trait that really can do alot more harm than good. I'm hoping that some of the girls Kelly etc may agree with me on this. (Girls can be just as bad!).

My philosophy is that you should relax, whats the point in fussing over something you have no control over, I'm not suggesting be an ignorant fucker, but to be confident and calm. Things happen for a reason, and if something sinister is going on then I see it as their loss! Pitty them.

Different girls like to be treated in different ways and like different things (mainly the less mature), but you should never have to change or act in an un-natural way to please them.

BUT insecurity and obsessiveness is a fault with yourself... so doesn't apply to the above statement.

God I sound like some sort of freak.


Member +
always let ammi ji know the situation that way abu ji cant do much clever guy lol its other way round for me abu ji is leniant ammi ji is the one i gotta be careful of


Member +
! I must admit I'm very sensetive though, and the smallest things can make me lose my trust with someone. Not good eh.


Exact same here, currently in a relationship. Whenever she mentions a male friend, I worry, even though I know I shouldn't. High school made me quite insecure, for the usual reasons. Ah well, I'm into uni now, feeling a lot better, started to get a lot more confidence too. Just gonna sit back and see what happens :)


I got no one atm got my eye on a chick at the bar I go to each week she keeps on looking at me so this week i'm going to stop being shy and approach her she is hot as well. I'm still glad i'm single though more money to spend on the car and myself makes me happy


Member +
Hi Idress!
sorry to hear about you and the missus! Are you ok?
I know how you feel too hun, i am having a difficult time of it myself.
Cheer up hun, we all still luv ya xx


Member +
if you see her around college pretend your not worried at all, act like everythin brill. believe me it works!!! :)


I wouldnt beat yourself up over it worst thing you can do you'll end up depressed if you keep on thinking about it, plenty more fish in the sea. And id say your ex is feeling the exact same as you right now. you should go out and enjoy yourself with your friends and not worry about it.Alcohol also helps.


Member +
I would say I'm a good judge of character, I like to sit back and work people out before I decide if they're worth any time! Goes for blokes and females, guys don't make themselves out to be really complicated unlike women (Because they're really not), hence why alot of girls prefer guys as friends - whether the guys motive is friendship is another story!

The thing is with alot of guys these days is that they're increasingly obsessive and insecure and feel they need to know everything and it's a trait that really can do alot more harm than good. I'm hoping that some of the girls Kelly etc may agree with me on this. (Girls can be just as bad!).

My philosophy is that you should relax, whats the point in fussing over something you have no control over, I'm not suggesting be an ignorant fucker, but to be confident and calm. Things happen for a reason, and if something sinister is going on then I see it as their loss! Pitty them.

Different girls like to be treated in different ways and like different things (mainly the less mature), but you should never have to change or act in an un-natural way to please them.

BUT insecurity and obsessiveness is a fault with yourself... so doesn't apply to the above statement.

God I sound like some sort of freak.

wow GTti was that u being sensible and serious then? :p

good advice :)


Member +
Different girls like to be treated in different ways and like different things (mainly the less mature), but you should never have to change or act in an un-natural way to please them.

i definatly need to take note of this.


Member +
Idrees, come to Bolton man! There's a Brazilian girl working in a bar here who's single. Trust me she's stunning! haha!
I'm in a relationship so its a no go for me!
Seriously though, i know how you feel. I let little things worry me like when she mentions other blokes and her ex is still on the scene so thats doing my head in but i can cope. Stay strong, keep ya head up and you'll get through it!