

Member +
The administrator is creating discrimination among the memebers. He is protecting the moderator from negative reputation.
I have give a moderator a negative reputation because he swear and the administrator has give me -1000 reputation for this.


Supermoderator & Area Reps Manager
You were not using the Reputation system in a proper manner and you were warned, you cannot respect the system in place, hence you will not be allowed to use the system. The reputation you were giving to members was reviewed and you were advised beforehand that if you continued to abuse the system or not use it in a proper manner your privileges for the system would be revoked.

One such instance that was highlighted was a member wished a certain moderator (me) happy birthday and you left negative feedback for it? I reviewed the post myself and their were no spelling mistakes or grammar errors so i could not see why negative feedback was left.


Member +
IT was not in the happy birthday post that he did swear, it was in another post. i did delete the post too !!!


Supermoderator & Area Reps Manager
Yes i have seen that post as well and She accepted the negative criticism for that particular post, it should have been left there. but you continued after warnings to give negative reputation even after that instance at any opportunity. it is not the fact that you initially gave her negative reputation in the first place it is the fact that you seemed to have a vendetta against that paticular person. it is not that we are protecting a moderator as we would do the same for any other member Paid or UnPaid. if a grievance is raised we deal with it.


Member +
people give you negative reputation for swearing? shit man i better stop swearing then. -1000 lmao( s that swearing cause it says ass)lol

Super Mod (極度の調整器)
At the end of the day, the rep button is there to be used if needed. If you come on here to solely use the rep button, plus target individuals, ignore moderator feedback etc, then do you just expect us to sit back and do nothing? Take heed of the message we have given you, and don't be naughty in future!

And yes, we swear on here, so if you don't like it, ******** (or BOLLOCKS to those who can handle it)!!! :p
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