**Sold Dangerous Car complete with dodgy MOT**Please read

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Akki advertised the car, he took the money, he handled the dispute over the car and then he went and gave the money back.

You are saying "he advertised the car" ... NO... he sold the car and he facilitated the entire transaction.. so you expect us to believe he did not have any financial interest? Come on.. he chanced his arm and he has just gotten it ripped off him. He proved to everyone what he is made of.

The lack of knowledge etc makes him sound a little naieve ... he knew damn well there was issues with that car and sold it to someone. He then tried to weave some rediculous fairytale about how it all happened and even lied about Sham not doing the MOT.

Again Sham is innocent in my book until we know otherwise.


Fresh Recruit
Another visitor linked from another forum. :( Dunno how people can be defending these idiots their blatently in it together, far to many inconsistencies in their stories.

Glad to hear he got his money back. Doubt he would have got a penny if it wasnt for this thread so top marks to all that gave advice.

Wouldnt be surprised if this is only the tip of the ice burg into their shenanigans, the damage probably only happened when they got 1 of their many other cousins to have a cruise about, slam the brakes on infront of another motorist before getting the whip lash compo claims in.

Lesson for us all, never buy a car from a bloke that wont share a bacon sarny with you wile discussing the deal, & get some 1 who knows what their doing to check the car over. I know i certainly will.


Member +
Fine Akki sold the car etc, he refunded and took the car back. If he has any shame he should break it in parts and he will see the best part of £1600 back no problem.

Akki is banned and no need to keep slating him even after he has been banned. If you are gonna slate him then unban him so can atleast defend himself. Otherwise lock this thread as the parties involved have settled it.

Sham said that it was someone else, theres more then one M.O.T tester there. People are acting on here like they have never had a dodgy M.O.T done I am sure a few people on here will have but in this case the issues weren't resovled which to be fair is wrong.

At the end of the day the car should of been looked over properly, I mean some of things that have been said are wrong are pretty obvious. You gotta be blind not to see them always check a car before buying. He is lucky he got his money back tbh as in msot cases people never do.

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Member +
Akki advertised the car, he took the money, he handled the dispute over the car and then he went and gave the money back.

You are saying "he advertised the car" ... NO... he sold the car and he facilitated the entire transaction.. so you expect us to believe he did not have any financial interest? Come on.. he chanced his arm and he has just gotten it ripped off him. He proved to everyone what he is made of.

The lack of knowledge etc makes him sound a little naieve ... he knew damn well there was issues with that car and sold it to someone. He then tried to weave some rediculous fairytale about how it all happened and even lied about Sham not doing the MOT.

Again Sham is innocent in my book until we know otherwise.

sorry wasnt clear thats what i meant he sold it /advertiesd it etc...

thats my opinion of him/ his knowledge on cars by talking to him a few times
at meets etc..

he might be/ is lieing for all i know...


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04-09-2008, 10:46 PM #1

Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Bradford & Leeds, West Yorkshire
Drives: M3 Cabriolet & AK-91 Glanza Forged 4EFTE Powered By Blitz K26 Turbo
Posts: 8,821
Reputation: 62
F.A.O EveryBody - Re AKKI's AUTO's


As some of you might know, I was a Trader on this site for the past year, and have been a member on TGTT.com for over 4/5 years.
But for some apperant reason, the Admin would not let me renew my subscription.

I asked the admin for an explanation, but they told me

"All conversations between staff members are considered private and confidential"

but im sure they could actually discuss with myself WHY they have come to the decision of Banning me from trading.

Ok Fair do if they cant offer me My TRADING STATUS back to me, but im sure they could let me SELL in Classifieds on TGTT.com, its not like Iv been Scamming people out, or given Dodgy Deals.
If i cant Sell on TGTT.com, i will say that they should Look at how "LOW" they look from others Views.

Is this the way of Re-paying some back for being a Good Starlet Enthusiast in the TGTT Community!!!


A little reminder for everyone...........................



Member +
Fine Akki sold the car etc, he refunded and took the car back. If he has any shame he should break it in parts and he will see the best part of £1600 back no problem.

Akki is banned and no need to keep slating him even after he has been banned. If you are gonna slate him then unban him so can atleast defend himself. Otherwise lock this thread as the parties involved have settled it.

Sham said that it was someone else, theres more then one M.O.T tester there. People are acting on here like they have never had a dodgy M.O.T done I am sure a few people on here will have but in this case the issues weren't resovled which to be fair is wrong.

sorry it aint dodgy when somone else does it
from bucks or herdfordshire foor instance...
only in bradford it happens

i said that before (manipulate mots)



At the end of the day the car should of been looked over properly, I mean some of things that have been said are wrong are pretty obvious. You gotta be blind not to see them always check a car before buying. He is lucky he got his money back tbh as in msot cases people never do.


Dodgy MOT? No thanks...

How about a dodgy MOT without knowing or asking for one? Not so much...

How about a dodgy MOT without knowing or asking for one, whereby the issues with the car were enough to kill you and others? Yeah - I think I'll go with no again.


to put a death machine on the road is dodgy anywhere. Suck it up your from Bradford who cares. I am from Ireland I have no idea what bradford is like so stop trying to turn this into a "they are all out to hate bradford" situation. I was waiting for Akki to try the "this is racist" shit they he usually pulls with me.


Member +
Dodgy MOT? No thanks...

How about a dodgy MOT without knowing or asking for one? Not so much...

How about a dodgy MOT without knowing or asking for one, whereby the issues with the car were enough to kill you and others? Yeah - I think I'll go with no again.

it does happen m8

although, my parents/family go about in my car i wouldnt risk it mate



Member +
yeh i guess only people in bradford get dodgy M.O.T's. Haha I've heard the words "friendly M.O.T inspector" used here many times lol.

Oh BTW i am not from bradford, I am from NW london.


Member +
to put a death machine on the road is dodgy anywhere. Suck it up your from Bradford who cares. I am from Ireland I have no idea what bradford is like so stop trying to turn this into a "they are all out to hate bradford" situation. I was waiting for Akki to try the "this is racist" shit they he usually pulls with me.

i care because i am loy fan of this car
and this site and i belive justice/punishment....

am past that stage m8 i can deal with it

if u cant issues of racism thats fine... ur opinion

somtimes i do feel there is a divide which people like idrees
have tried to ease by holding , meets



Member +
faisalgtturbo, do you want to do everyone a favor and stop making out that this has anything to do with racism!

that little ace card isn't a good enough reason to cover up the sale of dangerous cars that can kill members!

and will you stop fucking quoting every post and adding your little bias opinion!! :haha:



This is not a Rascial or a Geographical war.

Faisal is a decent guy. Cole is a decent guy. Both from Bradford.

Please stop any race/Bradford posts now.

The issue with Akki has been resolved, lets now wait for a reply from Sham as this is the topic at hand.

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Regardless of race colour or creed he knowingly sold a dangerous car to someone who by no fault of their own had little knowledge of cars. Maybe Matt thought he could trust him. Be honest the whole sorry story STINKS and I don't give a f@ck if he comes from the moon. Ripping peole off is WRONG!!!!.

We are lucky to have such a good bunch of memers to rally round and help put it right. I for one would of been on his doorstep.

This is not a Rascial or a Geographical war.

Faisal is a decent guy. Cole is a decent guy. Both from Bradford.

Please stop any race/Bradford posts now.

The issue with Akki has been resolved, lets now wait for a reply from Sham as this is the topic at hand.


Craig did not say Dane was from Bradford - Moderator Powers win again ;)
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