4efte manual


Fresh Recruit
I’ve went searching through a bunch of threads and saw a few threads where the idea was tossed around. So I was just wondering if anybody ever got a manual or at least has the engine specifications for the 4efte motor. New to the community so anything helps. Thanks in advance.
I have a 4efte manual lads translated aswell, will send it over by email or whatsapp if you want :)
i'd be interested in a copy as well to be honest
question?...if you are willing to facilitate it,, is the document something that admin/Jay/ttgt could like host on this site so that its available to all of us to download at our convenience ---less hassle for you sending it out individually
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Tried a 5efe pdf I had on my phone, hopefully it attached okay.

*All copyrights and full props belong to Toyota


  • 5EFE Workshop Manual.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 181


Member +
Hmm it worked..

The japanese 4efte manual I was sent in 2018 appears to be too big for upload though (31.8mb)
Same here jay the one i have is 20mb and it wont let upload, impressive collection of paperback manuals there.

i'd be interested in a copy as well to be honest
question?...if you are willing to facilitate it,, it the document something that admin/Jay/ttgt could like host on this site so that its available to all of us to download at our convenience ---less hassle for you sending it out individually
Seems to big too upload but will happily send it if you would like a copy:)
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Tried a 5efe pdf I had on my phone, hopefully it attached okay.

*All copyrights and full props belong to Toyota
yeah, it opened for me as well on the PC

this manual i had from ages ago...i also reference it for the past 4efte and hybrid "5efte" as its very useful in general


Looks like our upload limit is 11mb. Let me flag it with Dylan. Takes Super-Admin to mess around with that sort of thing plus it affects server space too so wouldn't want to cause issues elsewhere.
Looks like our upload limit is 11mb. Let me flag it with Dylan. Takes Super-Admin to mess around with that sort of thing plus it affects server space too so wouldn't want to cause issues elsewhere.

please take this with a pinch of salt as i'm certainly not too IT savvy...but would some kind of file compression software help in this case?