Creation or Evolution?


Which do you believe?

I dont want to get all religious here but it has surprised me reading up on this just how many people disagree on this matter.

Creationists believe everything was created by an all powerful entity (god)

Evolutionists believe the world and everything else just evolved from nothing (darwinism)

What do you believe?


Definitely evolution in my opinion

like above... why?

Im not challenging you in any way, just interested to hear what makes you believe what you believe.

I have my own opinion on it but I didnt want to express my opinion in the opening post


just the idea that something decided one day to make us and everything around us out of thin air, doesn't make sense to me.
whereas evolution makes a bit more sense to me, the idea that maybe life(microbes etc) was transported here by meteors and the like, and these eventually changed and adapted to their surroundings to become more complex creatures.
why can some types of jellyfish that live at the bottom of the ocean where its dark and can generate their own light, whereas ones that live in shallow waters don't because they don't need to. just the way everything adapts to there surroundings over time.


Member +
definately evolution.religion is just a big cult IMO.some things are so stupid if you really think about it


Super Moderator
ill be honest and say that both theories do have unanswered questions relating to them. but the most plausable theory is evolutionin my eyes


Member +
definately evolution.religion is just a big cult IMO.some things are so stupid if you really think about it


Even the idea of an afterlife in my opinion is ridiculous, if there is such a thing then what about animals? Do they have an after life? If not, why not? We are no different, just more intelligent beings.


I would certainly be on the side of evolution theory. In general I dont believe in god but even beyond that the story of creation does not make sense to me.

If we are to believe in creationism we are told that the earth is only a few thousand years old. There is masses of scientific evidence out there that suggests otherwise such as dinosaur bones and other artifacts from a long time before the earth was supposed to have been created by god.

I think it was Phil who I discussed this with before, it always makes for interesting conversation when Phil gets involved :) But he said that the great flood (Noah and the ark story) may have caused damage to the accuracy of carbon dating. I dont know, it sounded pretty far fetched but still it was a good suggestion.

The bit I struggle with is that if the earth was created when some people think it was it means man lived on the earth with dinosaurs a few thousand years ago, I think that destroys all the credibility of creationist theories.

Super Mod (極度の調整器)
There's no physical proof of religious beliefs and attributable creation, there is physical proof of evolution.

Seeing a conundrum/quandary in its simplest form often answers the question...


maybe we were put here in our simplest form by someone or something else, either to colonise or as an experiment!


Member +
I believe we were geneticaly modified by beings from out of this galaxy to speed up our evolution. Also giving us great knowledge about the solar system and the earth.

I also believe we are one energy. The earth is alive. Conciousness is just a dream.



It's neither. It's magic.



Member +
we all living in a truman show:)

it would be evolution for me,you dont have to think for too long to realize creation by god is just,well..too far fetched.

what bugs me is,what the hell was there before we evolved and where the feck does it end!?